Chapter Thirty One: Midnight Meeting

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Bang. Bang. Bang.

I tossed and turned in bed, the covers tangling around my bare legs. There was another loud bang, this one causing me to bury my head underneath the pillow I was using. It was two in the morning. Who was making all this noise? Was I dreaming?

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Rebecca open up! It's Hannah. We might have figured out where Matthew is being held!"

My eyes shot open, any trace of weariness gone. I shot up scrambling out of bed but the covers were tightly wound around my legs. I rolled off my bed falling on my face.

"Owe," I muttered to myself, but then shouted, "I'm coming!"

After unwrapping the white sheets from my legs I stood, straightening out my pajama short and gray t-shirt. I slipped my feet into a pair of fluffy slippers and scuffled across the wood floors.

I swung open the door. Hannah, Bert, and Whitney stood in front of the doorway. Under the circumstances, it probably was inappropriate to laugh, but I couldn't help myself. Hannah's blond hair was tangled around a hairband, dark circles shadowed her eyes and she was wearing an Olaf onesie.

Bert's gray colored hair was sticking out in every direction. He was in a pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt. It was strange seeing him in something besides a lab coat or dress pants. Whitney was put together as usual. Her blond hair was slicked back into a ponytail and she wore a tan pencil skirt and green blouse. In fact, it looked like she had never gone to sleep.

Hannah gave be a weird look, rolling her eyes. "Took you long enough," she muttered.

"Where's Ty?" I asked, ignoring Hannah's statement.

Bert grinned slightly. "Yeah, we don't want to die early so we thought we'd give you the honor of waking up Ty."

I rolled my eyes at them but nodded. "Meet you in the conference room in five?"

"Sure." The three turned, walking down the hall together. I knocked on the door to Ty's room.

Ty wake up. It's important.

From inside the room I heard a muffled groan and footsteps. Soon after the door clicked open and Ty stepped out. His own dark hair was messy, but when was it not? He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a tight fitting black shirt.

Ty grinned down at me, pulling me into a hug. "What's so important?" He asked, his voice still scruffy and groggy.

"We may have found Matthew. The others are in the conference room."

"Even Anton?"

I shook my head. "No, I haven't seen him since dinner the other night. You?"

He shook his head and took my hand in his. We started towards the conference room, which was only a few minutes away.  Bert, Whitney, and Hannah were all sitting down discussing something.

"Does she just wake up looking like the president of the United States, or what?" Ty muttered to himself. I laughed loudly causing three heads to turn in our direction. Ty and I looked back at them sheepishly, taking our seats on the left side of the room.

"Where is Kyran?" I asked.

Hannah shrugged in response. "We couldn't find him, but that's not important right now."

"When Bert told me about the silo I realized who kidnapped Matthew and has Anton under her control," Whitney blurted out, her voice slightly strained.

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