Chapter Eleven: Steel Death Traps

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Ty insisted on driving, even though we were taking my car. I don't know why, but he had to be in charge. I think it's something about proving himself masculine and keeping his 'bad boy' attitude after the kitchen incident. Just thinking about it sent me into a hysteric fit of laughter.

"What are you laughing about?" Ty demanded.

I smirked. "You."

Ty's lips tipped downward into a harsh pout, which only made me laugh harder. "You better not tell anyone."

"Hah," Hannah scoffed. "That's funny. Not tell anyone? You jokester you."

"I'm serious. You'll be sorry!" Ty growled. Hannah shrugged and backed off.

"We have been driving forever! How much longer?" I whined. My back ached and the car was hot and stuffy. All three of us were crammed into my car along with our suitcases. I sat in the passenger seat beside Ty, while Hannah sat in back. She was pressed against a pile of suitcases and backpacks.

"Five hours."


The car rolled to a stop in the parking lot, the headlights illuminating a maroon red sign.

"Tucker's Inn." Ty said. "Okay, well we're here. This is our stop."

We breathed a sigh of relief and hopped out of the car, stretching our legs and sore muscles. I dragged my bags out from the trunk of the car and hauled them up to the hotel. A row of lights flickered above the receptionist desk and below it was a young guy, maybe nineteen or twenty. Dark bags shadowed his green eyes and his light brown hair was tousled in a mess, like he'd just woken up.

"Hello and welcome to Tucker's Inn. My name is Benjamin. How may I be of service?" The receptionist asked. His voice was cheery and bright, which was surprising considering he looked like he hadn't slept in a week.

"We need two rooms. One room with a single bed and the other with two," I answered him, dropping my luggage by my feet. Ty came in with a trolley and loaded all of our luggage on top of it.

"Right, okay. Can I see some identification?"

I pulled my drivers license out and showed it to him. He nodded approvingly. Benjamin tapped away at his computer for a few minutes and then looked up through his black, square framed glasses with a toothy grin. The light shone on his face. A small amount of acne dotted his forehead and the slightest hint of a beard could be spotted on his chin. He was an attractive guy, with a geeky feeling about him.

"Okay, you're in room 213 and I'm assuming he will be in the other room, 214." Benjamin handed us two white key cards with a red strip across them. We thanked him before filing into the elevator. We squished into the small space along with the trolley.

My heart thumped against my ribcage. I hated elevators. Absolutely hated them. And unfortunately my fear was so strong that Ty could feel my fear. I could tell by the way he was silently staring at me, smirking to himself.

You okay over there? He asked.

I'm fine.

Are you afraid of elevators?

No! Ty gave me an accusing look. Okay maybe, but everyone has fears. Even you, so who cares.

Ty shrugged. Whatever.

"Are you guys talking again?"'Hannah accused.

"No. We aren't talking anymore," I snapped. Hannah raised an eyebrow but dropped it as the door slid open. We dragged ourselves into the carpeted hallway that smelt of coffee and chlorine. We were the first door on the right and Ty was the first on the left.

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