Chapter Eight: Are You That Selfish?

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The wooden door slammed behind me, the sound bouncing of the walls of our quiet house. Matthew and Hannah kicked off their shoes ahead of me and I did the same, letting the comfort of my freed feet sink in. It was 10:30 at night, and we had just arrived home from Ty's. Yes, Matthew had insisted on coming home with us even though he'd been banned.

Hannah flicked the dim light on from the kitchen and the room lit up. Hannah was about to yank open the fridge and rade it greedily but she paused, looking like a deer in the headlights. Two figures, all to familiar, sat at the long wooden dining table. Our parents. My mother and father sat beside each other, arms crossed and each looking equally angry. Matthew noticed the tenseness immediately. Even in his injured state, he pushed Hannah and I behind him, protectively guarding us from Jack's dangerous touch.

After a long stare down Jack stood, throwing the dining chair back into its place against the table. It crashed into the table, a stark contrast to the silence in the room. His dirty blond hair was tangled in a mess, like he had just woken up. His dull gray eyes narrowed, eyeing Matthew. His gaze then flickered to Hannah and I, and his expression softened. I even saw the hint of a smile. This reaction confused me, but I put it to the side and focused on the present situation.

"Jack," Matthew grunted.

Jack's head shot to the side his fiery gaze landing on Matthew once again. "You," he pointed to Matthew, "call me Sir. Not Jack, not dad, nothing else." Jack's voice was overflowing with hatred. His venomous tone made me flinch, but no one noticed.

"Girls, please go up to your rooms," Jack requested in a softer tone that slightly calmed my racing heart. I looked at Matthew warily. There was no way on earth I was going to leave Matthew with him. But, of course, my brother had to be the hero. He had to save the day.

"Yeah, I agree with Jack. Go get some rest," he said. Matthew gave me a stern look. I knew that look. It was his I'm-not-asking-I'm-telling look. Hannah apparently knew too, because she gave Matthew a solemn nod and turned to walk up the stairs but she didn't get far.

"Girls, where do you think you're going? You can't go to bed without giving your mother and I a goodnight kiss," Jack said. His chuckle sent shivers down my spine. It was as if he truly wanted a goodnight kiss. It reminded me of the Jack I knew years ago. He was acting like the dad I knew when I was an oblivious, innocent ten year old.

I looked to my mother, Janet. She hadn't said a word. She hadn't moved. Her blue eyes glinted with hope and amusement, but something else too. Was it fear? Was it sadness? Was she as crazy as my father? Or, was she just to afraid to do anything? I raked my teeth over my bottom lip so hard I was afraid I'd draw blood. I took a few hesitant steps towards Jack.

"Come on, I won't hurt you. Don't be silly. Come and give your father a hug."

I had to hold my tongue. The last thing I wanted was to turn the strange situation into a dangerous one. I approached my father, and wrapped my arms around him. I only came up to his chin. He rested his head on the top of mine and kissed my forehead before letting me go. Hannah did the same, and we hugged our mother before scurrying off out of site.

We didn't go to our bedrooms though. Instead we hid behind a wall, where the start of the staircase was. Hannah and I sat on the bottom step, huddled together.

"That was so...weird," Hannah whispered.

"I know."

We then heard Jacks voice echoing down the hall. Or maybe that was what it sounded like to me. His voice was loud and clear. I could hear him better than I ever have been able to before, even though we were in different rooms, separated by walls.

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