Chapter Twenty Eight: Pool Confessions

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The smell of chlorine was thick in the steamy air. Hannah swam another lap around the pool while I soaked in the hot tub. The hot water lapped against the cement wall. She hadn't stopped swimming for an hour. Lap after lap she kept kicking her feet and swinging her arms through the water. All I was focused on was telling Hannah about Anton, and I was slowly growing impatient.

It had been the only thing on my mind since last night. Anton hadn't said anything to me about telling Ty, in fact I hadn't seen him since yesterday and I didn't care to. I figured he was off doing something evil for his 'boss.'

Hannah blew out a breath of air and climbed up the ladder, snapping me out of my thoughts. She jumped in the hot tub with me and smiled.

"Phew, that felt good." She threw her head back with a satisfied smiled and rested against a metal rail that came down in the middle of of the hot tubs stairs.

I laughed at her. "I don't know how it could possibly feel good, but whatever you say."

Hannah didn't respond she just grinned wider, keeping her eyes closed and letting her heart rate slow down. She sank deeper into the hot tub until it came up to her neck and the tips of her blond hair skimmed the bubbling water.

We were silent for a while. I kept wanting to tell Hannah the truth but every time I opened my mouth no words would come out. Thankfully she couldn't see me stress out because she was closing her eyes.

"Hannah, I have to talk to you," I said with a random burst of courage.

Hannah's eyes snapped open, curiosity sparking in them. "Sure, what's up?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and pushed myself up out of the water so I was sitting on a step. "A few days ago I was just walking in the hall and I bumped into Anton—"

Hannah interrupted. "Did he kiss you? If he kissed you I'm going to—"

"What? No," I exclaimed. "He didn't kiss me Hannah. Where did that even come from? It doesn't matter anyways." I shook away the disturbing images of Anton kissing me and decided to not bother with the fact that it was the first thing that came to Hannah's mind.

Hannah's face heated up and turned a bright shade of pink. "Oh," she said softly, "continue with your story. What happened?"

"Okay I was just coming out of my bedroom in the morning and I bumped into him. It wasn't a big deal,  but he freaked out on me. He pinned be against the wall and he-he threatened me with—" I trailed off. I could feel hot unshed tears sting my eyes. One slipped down my cheek and Hannah quickly noticed, wiping it away with her hand.

"What did he say Rebecca? What happened?" She asked in a demanding but comforting tone.

I blinked a few times to gain my composure and then looked back up at my sisters silver eyes. "You know how we thought Matthew left on his own without saying goodbye?" Hannah nodded in response.

"Well the truth is he didn't. He was taken by Anton. In the hallways he threatened me not to tell anyone or he'd hurt Matthew. He showed me a picture of Matthew tied up and gagged. I didn't believe it at first but then I remembered those messages that were from a strange number. They must have been from Matthew or Anton."

Hannah wasn't crying or angry. She just looked shocked more than anything. "But-but why would Anton do that? Why would he want kidnap Matthew?"

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