Chapter Thirty Five: Station of Police

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"There, you're all good to go. I want you back here in two weeks though, to make sure your ribs are healing okay. And remember, you have a concussion, a minor one but still a concussion. Take it easy and if you are having bad headaches come in to see me straight away. I'll prescribe some pain medication and then you're free to go," the doctor said.

He left the room to fill out the paperwork, leaving the four of us in the empty room. Kyran was sitting on the table, pulling his shirt back over his head carefully. The doctor had confirmed he had one broken rib, the rest just bruised. He had wrapped them tightly.

"Your ribs feel better now, don't they?"

Kyran frowned at me but nodded, knowing I was right to have him see a doctor. I just smiled happily, tugging at the sleeves of my sweater. A few minutes later the doctor came in and handed me a packet of paper before telling us we could leave when we like.

"Alright, are we ready to go?" Ty asked.

"I think so."

"Okay then, let's go make sure that crazy lady is locked up."


The police station wasn't as scary as I had pictured. It wasn't all gray or dark. In fact, it was the opposite. A woman sat at the front desk, smiling from ear to ear. There were a few wooden benches and chairs set up for people to wait.

When the woman seen us, her smile grew wider. "How may I help y'all?" She chirped.

"I'm Rebecca, and this is Hannah, Ty, and Anton. We're here to see Bert and Natalie Belford. We also are here to speak with someone about the investigation on our case."

The woman nodded and typed a few things into the computer. She asked to see our identification, which we gave to her. When she was finished she held her arm out towards a doorway.We followed her gesture and walked through, the lady trailing behind us.

"Alright Officer Hunter and Officer Nolan will be with you in just a moment. This is the room you'll be talking to them in, so go ahead and make yourself comfortable."

The room was plain, with white walls a circular wooden table and eight chairs. We all took a seat and waited for the officers, who came in about fifteen minutes later. Ty muttered a 'finally' under his breath which lead me to jabbing him in the side with my elbow.

"Sorry about the wait," one of the officers said. He was short and round, with a shiny bald head and tiny brown eyes. The other officer was a woman with her brown hair pulled up into a tight bun. She smiled apologetically, taking a seat across from me.

"Okay, we've got a lot to cover, but I'll start out by saying that Officer Hunter and I are of course, promising to keep this as private and confidential as possible," the man said.

"Thank you officer," Hannah said.

He simply nodded and said, "Let's get started."


"I know you all have been through a lot these past few months, but we can assure you that you're never going to have to deal with Natalie again. And, we will do everything we can to find Anton. I've been informed that you'd like to visit with the Belford's, correct?"

"Yes we would."

"Okay follow me."

Officer Hunter stood up and headed down the hall, through two gray doors that led to a room filled with several booths. Natalie was sitting on one end of the room while Bert was sitting at the other, both behind the large glass window.

"You each get to visit them one at a time. You have fifteen minutes with both of them," Hunter said before stepping out.

Kyran turned toward me. "Who wants to visit who first?" He asked.

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