Chapter Nineteen: Majestic Hotel

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"Ty!" I dropped to my knees beside him and wrapped my hand in his. He was conscious but shaking in pain. He cried out suddenly and curled in on himself. For the next fifteen minutes I watched him suffer in immense pain knowing that I could do anything about it. Once Ty had calmed down and his episode had passed, he ran a hand over his sweaty face.

"That one was more painful," he spat out.

"I wish I could take them away," I said truthfully. I helped him up, wishing we could stay at the camp sight longer but we only had a few days to get to Dr. Belford's and figure out what's wrong with Ty. Ty just shrugged, his face stone cold and eyes distant. He looked utterly exhausted.

I hoisted my backpack on to my shoulders and followed Anton along a trail that only lasted a few minutes. A zip line was set up in the middle of the woods and a small shed built between two trees. Inside the shed were harnesses.

"Ty you can go first. It will give you a little time to rest when you get to the bottom," Hannah suggested. We all agreed. Anton hooked Ty's harness to the zip line and gave Ty quick instructions. Soon Ty jumped of the small wooden platform and was flying through the woods. He let out a shout of joy which made me grin widely knowing he was okay.

Anton hooked my harness onto the zip line next. I took a few running steps and flew off the platform. A rush of adrenaline coursed through me as I sped through the forest. The trees slowly turned into a blur, the wind cooling my face. Before I knew it though, my feet landed on the platform. I unhooked my harness from the line and slipped out of it.

Ty sat a few feet away leaned up against the rough trunk of a pine tree. He smiled at me as I approached him and sat down. Ty swung his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer to him. I happily rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on mine. A few minutes later an excited shout from Hannah was heard and she landed on the platform, a wide grin on her face.

"Whoa! That was fun!" She exclaimed, plopping down beside us. I nodded in agreement. Anton quickly followed Hannah, landing on the platform and strutting over to us.

"Alright! The ATVs are just a quarter mile in. Ready?" Anton's peppy voice filled my ears.

We all nodded and stood, following him back to the ATVs. When we arrived I seen the two side-by-sides, each able to hold two people. Without instruction, Anton and Hannah hopped into one of the vehicles while Ty and I got in the other. I had tried to get in the drivers seat to let Ty rest because I could tell he was close to passing out from fatigue but he'd been stubborn and refused to let me drive.

We started the side-by-sides. They roared to life in deafening noise. Anton and Hannah pulled out in front of us onto a beaten down trail. We followed behind them, dust flying everywhere. Thankfully, the ride only lasted ten minutes.

Anton slowed down in front of us parking the vehicle in front of a building. We unbuckled our seat belts and climbed out of the vehicle. For the first time I looked at the building in front of me. I gasped, my mouth dropping open in awe.

In front of us was a huge, old hotel building that looked broken down, possibly deserted. A balcony wrapped around each floor. Tall engraved pillar-like supports reached high, supporting arches. A few vines curled around the entrance door way. It was beautiful, yet so creepy.

"Are you sure this is safe? It looks awfully deserted!" I said warily.

Anton gave me a strange look. "Yes I'm sure it's safe. We didn't fix up the outside of the hotel because we wanted it to look deserted," he said.

"Why is there a hotel in the middle of nowhere?" Hannah asked.

"This hotel used to be part of a mining town a long-long time ago, but the town burned down to nothing and people moved away. Thankfully, this hotel was far enough out of town that the fire didn't effect it," Anton explained to us.

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