Chapter Twenty Five: Hacked

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Ty had just been given the sedative while Bert, Whitney, and Kyran were frantically working at their computers to kill the virus in Ty's chip. I blew out a shaky breath, finding refuge on the sofa in the corner of the room.

The second I sat I could sense Anton's stare. I ran a hand through my wavy brown hair, shaking out the snarls. Anton carefully made his way towards me, his expression stone cold. What did he want now? His tough facade broke as he smiled at me, what looked to be a friendly comforting smile, but I knew it was only fake. He was just putting on a show that everyone was buying into.

"Can I sit here?" He asked me politely.

I glared at him, hoping it looked the slightest bit intimidating. "I'd rather you not. Maybe you could fall of the face of the earth. That would be much appreciated," I snapped.

Anton chuckled, ignoring my answer and choosing to sit down beside me anyways. "Awe, Reb, baby. I'm not that bad," he joked.

"Don't call me that." I was quickly loosing my patience. The last thing I wanted to do was speak to Anton. "What do you want?"

Anton raised his eyebrows and hands in an innocent gesture. "What? I can't have a friendly conversation with my friend? Do I have to want something?"

"Well seeing as how we're not friends and this isn't a friendly conversation than yes, I'm guessing you do want something," I snapped.

I was thankful Hannah was to occupied watching Bert and Whitney work on the computers to notice Anton and I having this—heated conversation. I glanced her way and noticed that Kyran had moved Ty onto his bed and hooked him up to an IV.

"I'm offended you don't think of us as friends." Anton smirked, placing a hand over his chest mockingly. I wanted to punch him square in the face, but that would probably draw attention to us and I know who would pay for that.

Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I looked Anton in the eyes. "Cut to the chase."

Anton scowled but didn't fir back. Instead he said, "Fine. I want you to talk—"

He was interrupted by a loud alarm sounding obnoxiously through the room. I jumped off the sofa and ran over to Whitney, looking at the tablet in her hand. Ty's vitals were slowly plummeting to a dangerous level.

"Crap! Bert we have to work quick," Whitney exclaimed. She turned back to her computer and began typing quickly.

"I know, I know. I'm working on clearing out the virus. We have to reboot the chip," Bert answered. I moved out of the way, clutching on to Hannah. We clung to each other tears pouring down our faces.

"Rebooting now," Whitney announced. We watched as something popped up on her screen and she typed a word into the box. A progress bar appeared and slowly began to move along. It was painful to watch them work so slow knowing that I couldn't do a thing to help. I closed my eyes and buried my face in Hannah's neck, unable to watch.

"It worked! We got rid of the virus! Ty isn't in danger anymore," Whitney squealed several minutes later. 

I lifted my head and seen Ty's vitals slowly returning to their normal rate as the alarm shut off. Whitney and Bert stood hugging each other tightly. Hannah hugged me too and Kyran randomly joined in, making it a group hug. I couldn't help but chuckle, shaking him off.

"Thank you guys, for saving Ty," I said softly, wiping the tears away.

Whitney gave me a soft smile. "Don't thank us. Half the journey was getting here and you helped him survive that," she said, wrapping me in her arms. I hugged her back, feeling relieved. That was one huge weight off my chest, and Ty was going to be okay. But in the back of my mind I felt like I had a dozen other problems yet to be solved.

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