Chapter Sixteen: Beth and Robin

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My eyes felt heavy, like they were glued shut but I forced myself to open them and quickly realized I was staring down at the dirt ground. Rubbing my eyes with the palms of my hands, I rolled on to my back and tried sitting up but I was held down by a heavy weight across my stomach.

I raised my eyebrows and looked down at my waist noticing a tan muscular arm draped across my torso. Following the arm I realized it belonged to a snoring Ty. I groaned and attempted to sit up again but Ty's grip tightened, pulling me closer to his chest. I sighed in annoyance and picked his arm up, placing it to the side of me.

Someone chuckled, startling me. I whipped my head around and was met with a mop of fiery red hair and bright green eyes. Anton grinned at me. He was sitting on a rock with a water bottle in his hand.

"Oh it's just you," I said in relief.

Anton frowned, placing a hand over his chest. "Just me. Wow, that hurts." I rolled my eyes at him and stood, brushing off the dirt from my shorts. I looked beside me, realizing Hannah's sleeping bag had been rolled up and stuffed back into her backpack.

"Where's Hannah?" I asked.

"I'm right here!" Hannah's chirpy voice said behind me. I turned to see my sister coming towards me, a pile of wood in her hands. Her blond hair was tied up in a messy bun on the top of her head. She smiled at me brightly. I was glad she was feeling better. Lately she hadn't been herself, but that was understandable due to circumstances. It was felt good to hear the enthusiasm in her voice again.

"It's chilly this morning. I thought we could use a fire." I nodded in agreement with Hannah.

"I'll go start the fire." Anton took the wood from Hannah's arms.

"Great! Hannah, do you want to take a walk with me?" I asked. Hannah nodded and walked beside me.

"So, you and Anton?"

Hannah smiled sheepishly which made me grin. "What about us?"

"You know exactly what I mean. What's going on between you two?" I asked.

"I don't know. Last night we had a really long conversation and then right before we headed back to the camp sight he told me he liked me. He said that he thought I was beautiful and had an amazing personality. Somehow we ended up holding hands on the way back," Hannah admitted.

"I do believe someone told you he liked you."

Hannah gave me a mock glare that said shut up. "I know! I know! You were right, I was—less right."

I chuckled. "So, do you like him too?"

Hannah nodded in response. "Are you guys a couple?" I asked.

"No. I just met him three days ago. I guess we clicked really well and he is so easy to talk to, but for now we will just wait it out," Hannah answered as we came back to the camp sight. We were only twenty feet away from the guys when Anton ran towards us.

"Guys! Guys! Thank goodness you're back!" He exclaimed, eyes wide in horror.

"Why? What's wrong?" Hannah and I asked.

"It's Ty. Something is wrong!" Anton pointed towards Ty who was leaned up against the trunk of a tree, clutching his side and emptying his stomach of the little food that he'd had yesterday.

I ran over to him, kneeling down. Beads of sweat were dripping down his face and he was gasping for breath.

Ty what's wrong? I asked him mentally. I received no response.

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