Chapter Four: Attempted Secrecy

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My dad scoffed. "I broke it." He stood up, holding a glass of pop tightly in his grip. "You're blaming this on me." Matthew took a wary step back, weakly nodding. My father, who I'd rather call Jack, laughed.

"Oh son, this wasn't my fault. If you would have listened to me, I would still have my motorcycle and you wouldn't be in a cast."

"I'm sorry Jack, but this wasn't all my fault. I forgot your motorcycle, but you broke six of my bones and I will never forgive you for that," Matthew replied.

My father yelled out. He didn't speak any words, it was just one long raw cry of frustration that clawed at the back of his throat. He raised his hand, launching the glass across the room. The glass was headed straight for Matthew, but he stepped right and the cup smashed into the wall just inches away from his head, shattering into hundreds of glass shards. My adoptive father stormed off to his room like a toddler, slamming the door behind him.

After a few moments my sister spoke. "Well, that went better than I expected."

Matthew chuckled. "I'd agree. I thought that glass was going to hit my face." It was strange how suddenly light hearted Matthew was about the situation, but he had always been strong.

I got the broom from our pantry and swept up the mess of glass, throwing it in the trash. We made dinner and watched some t.v. A commercial break came on so I got up and went to the kitchen to make popcorn. Just as I was about to sit down with the bowl in my hand, another pain shot down my neck. I gasped, regretting it the second after it left my mouth.

"Are you okay? You've been doing that a lot lately," Hannah asked me worriedly.

"Yeah I'm fine." Matthew looked over to me, giving me a look that definitely said tell-me-or-there-will-be-consequences.

"Seriously Rebecca, what's going on?" Matthew asked, staring intently at me, waiting for an answer.

I tell Matthew and Hannah everything. We don't have secrets. With everything we've been through, we can't afford to have secrets, and this is why it was so hard for me to keep this from them. My only secret was the surgery. No one knew about that surgery, and something told me it had to stay that way. My better judgement said it was dangerous for my siblings and I both if I told them.

"Nothing, I've just been tired and stressed out," I lied to them. The feeling of guilt swept through me. I hated it.

I could tell Matthew didn't believe me but he dropped it. Hannah seemed perfectly content with my answer and she went back to the chick flick she had just put on.

"They're kissing. That's my cue to leave. I'm going to head to bed guys," Matthew announced. I laughed at him and gave him a slight wave. He turned and slowly climbed up the stairs, wincing with each step.

I agreed, it was 11:30 at night and I was exhausted. It had been a long few days. I took a shower, changed into pajamas, and stumbled into my room with sleepy eyes barely able to stay open. Before I went to bed I checked my phone which sat on my bedside table.

There were a few messages but one stood out to me. It was from an unknown number, but I was pretty sure I knew who it was from. I opened the message.

It's Ty. Meet me at the cafe at 5:00 tomorrow morning. We need to talk.

I rolled my eyes at the text. What happened to me calling him when I was ready? I knew we needed to keep things somewhat secretive but five in the morning seemed a little overboard. I was to tired to argue though so instead I made a mental note to wake up at five.

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