Chapter Thirteen: Mysterious Messages

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"K-kayak?" Ty raised his eyebrows.

Anton grinned. "Yup, kayak!"

Ty gulped, "Couldn't we take a boat or a road?"

"Nope." Anton shook his head. "We don't have a boat and there isn't a road. You have to kayak down the river to get to where my uncles place is."

"Why is your uncles place so hidden?" I asked him.

"Well, my uncle is in hiding so we figured he'd need a place that's hidden," Anton replied with a 'duh' tone.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why is he in hiding?"

"He will explain everything to you once we get there."

I sighed but didn't press the matter. Anton announced that he was going to make lunch and Hannah had agreed to help him. I plopped down on the old couch and Ty sat beside me on the other cushion.

I don't trust Anton. I heard Ty's voice in my head.

Why not?

I just don't.

Well that's a good reason.

I don't need a reason.

Whatever. I sighed.

A few minutes later Anton and Hannah came back, each holding two plates. I grabbed one from Hannah helping her to set them down. The two of them had made club sandwiches and chocolate milk. My stomach growled at the sight, greedily wanting the food.

Anton told us he was going to grab some chairs before disappearing into the closed off room. A minute later he came back through the door, hauling a beanbag and folding chair along with him. Ty just stared at him, a confident smirk resting on his usual stone cold face.

I rolled my eyes at him. He was probably enjoying watching Anton struggle with the chairs because he knew he could easily lift the both of them.

Go help him you jerk!

I've been called worse. Ty shrugged.

Yeah, well I happen to be a nice person so I'll stick with jerk. Seriously though, go help him!


I shot Ty a death glare and he sighed in surrender. He stood and took the chair from Anton, setting it down for Hannah. Once we'd all sat down around a small coffee table I dug into my food.

"This is so good," I mumbled through a mouthful of ham.

Anton and Hannah grinned in response. Ty just ate without a word, being the usual idiot he is. He seemed particularly off today, but how was I to know. I'd known the guy for a week. That being said, I could feel a certain amount of anger radiating off of him. I suppose it wasn't actually radiating but I could feel his anger and tension. I think Hannah knew too, even though she couldn't actually feel his emotions.

"So when do we start this trip to your uncles?" Hannah finally asked, breaking the forever long silence between the four of us.

"Tomorrow morning. It's a long trip so we will start early." Anton said. "You guys can stay here and in a camper I have parked in back."

"Sounds good," I chirped.


Hannah and I claimed the bed in the cabin while Anton and Ty slept out back in the camper. We had packed small backpacks full with the necessities for the trip to Dr. Belford's. All three of us were leaving our suitcases at the cabin until we got back. I had made sure to bring my journal and picture, tucking them in a water proof pocket. Hannah lay beside me on her back, her eyes staring at the white ceiling.

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