Chapter Seven: Two Short Weeks

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"Matthew stop! Matthew! Matthew! Matthew!" Hannah cried out in annoyance.

Are they ever going to stop that? It was Ty, but he was in my mind. I about jumped out of my seat when I heard his voice in my head. He noticed my startled expression and smirked, enticing a glare from me.

What? The arguing?


Nope. Never. Get use to it.

I swear I'm going-

"Are you guys talking to each other?" Hannah asked, tearing Ty and I away from our mental conversation. We both shrugged in response. Hannah frowned but dropped it and went back to typing away on her computer.

We had been researching for over an hour at Ty's place. Hannah, who was an amazing cook, had made us chicken and rice. Every once in a while we'd find small facts, but nothing important. We were about to give up.

"Hey! I think I found something!" Matthew exclaimed, shoving the computer my way.

"This is a recent newspaper post from Helena, Montana— the town where Dr. Belford moved. Someone bought 100 acres of property."

"So? That could be anyone," Ty retorted.

"True, but the location of the property is the perfect setup for a hideout. It's difficult to get to unless you had a helicopter, and extremely secluded," Hannah said. She was peering over Matthews shoulder, examining the map.

"That doesn't prove anything."

"No, but it's a start. Is there a way to look up who bought the property?" I asked, shooting Ty a glare for being a jerk.

"Hang on a sec." Matthew held up a finger and went back to typing. We all waited in silence for a few minutes until Matthews face lit up like a lightbulb. "No exact names, but a company called Psychological and Technological Research Center spoke out, hinting that they had a part in buying it."

"What did they say exactly?" I asked.

"It reads; 'My name is Whitney Cape, and I am one of the head scientists here at PTRC. The large piece of land bought was one of our options when we looked to expand the company. It is a great spot that we feel we could easily turn into a productive and prosperous research center, if all goes well."

"So they bought it?"

"It's sounds like it," I answered.

"I don't know," Ty said. "Buying that much property isn't the best way to stay hidden, and it doesn't say anything about a Dr. Belford."

"Does it say what they want to do with the property?" Hannah asked.

"No, they didn't give away much. All it said was the land would be put to good use for an upcoming project they had, that supposedly, will help the community."

"Ty, I think right now it's our best shot," I said softly.

Ty sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "Alright, I guess we're going to Helena."

As soon as those words left Ty's mouth a searing pain shot down my neck and through my back. I cried out, but my cry was accompanied by Ty's too. Words appeared in my mind almost immediately.

You have two weeks to save Ty. Find Dr. Belford with the Firons.

These words played over and over in my mind for five minutes, until finally they stopped and my vision returned. After getting my bearings I turned to look at Matthew and Hannah. Their eyes were wide with fear and their mouths hung open. I remembered Ty screaming too. I looked to my left and realized he had collapsed on the ground unconscious, but his body still trembled.

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