Chapter Thirty Two: Helicopters and Silos

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The helicopter blades picked up speed, slicing through the chilly morning air. Hannah was beaming with a smile. I on the other hand, was clutching the belt across my stomach, my heart rapidly beating in my chest.

We were slowly getting higher and higher, the hotel becoming a small speck amongst others. Hannah, Ty, and I were all in the same helicopter. Bert, Whitney, and Kyran were in one just a little ways ahead of us.

We had all wished Kyran stayed and rested, but he protested and obviously won. So, the six of us climbed in the helicopters at the break of dawn and were in our way to California. We didn't really have a plan for when we got their. Our plan was to rescue Matthew. That was it.

It may not have been the most logical way to enter into things, but at the moment I didn't care. The only thing on our minds was making sure everyone was safe. I still don't understand why Anton beat up Kyran, and knocked him out. He has Matthew as his leverage. What does Kyran have to do with anything?

Unfortunately, these were all questions I had no answer to, but I certainly planned on getting an answer soon.


"We will be landing in 5 minutes," one of the pilots announced.

I looked over to Ty and Hannah. Ty looked exhausted, physically and mentally. We all were. Hannah had this look of determination that made me smile. It gave me the slightest boost in confidence.

I wobbled in my seat as the helicopter shifted, preparing for landing. Something warm enveloped my hand and I realized it was Ty's larger hands. He squeezed my palm reassuringly. I grinned back at him.

Are you ready for this? Ty asked.

For what?

I don't know what we will find out or see, but I just want to know you'll be okay.

I smiled again. I'll be fine Ty.

The pilot shifted in his seat turning his body to face us. "Alright kids, let's go."

We nodded in obedience climbing down from the helicopter and onto solid paved ground. In front of us Bert, Whitney, and Anton were getting out of their helicopter. I seen Anton wince with every step he took, but he tried to cover it up with a smile.

I rolled my eyes to myself but didn't point it out. Bert was marching towards us, Whitney trailing behind.

"Alright guys, I have a van waiting for us on the other side of the airport. Once we get their it will take us to the silo," Bert announced. He pointed a finger behind him, signaling that was the way we were headed.

After swerving through halls and around buildings, I finally spotted the black vehicle a few yards away. It was a sleek black van that would hold all of us. Bert fished something out of his pockets, which I noticed was a set of keys that unlocked the van.

"Climb in." Whitney ushered us into the vehicle. Hannah and I climbed in the very back while Kyran and Ty sat in the middle seat. Bert drove and Whitney rode shotgun. Quickly, Bert pulled the van away from the large brick building we'd been parked next to.

I averted my attention from the road to Kyran, who was laying back his seat, crushing my knees.

"Owe, Ky. I'm behind you, ya know?"

"Sorry," he grunted.

"It's alright. How are you doing?"

I seen him shrug his shoulders, blowing out a breath of air. "Honestly, I'm doing alright. I'm just nervous more than anything, and my side is sore but I'll live."

I nodded in reply even though he couldn't see me. I felt like I was nodding  more to myself than anyone else. I was reassuring myself that Kyran was okay and that it wasn't my fault he was hurt. Somehow I doubted that though.

"It's going to be a forty five minute drive guys." Bert shouted from the front. I leaned my head against the window, watching small rain drops race across the glass, pooling at the bottom of the frame.

Before I knew it, we were pulling into a field with tall wet grass the clung to the side of the van. Bert followed tracks that looked like they were made by a couple four wheelers. After curving around a patch of trees, a tall silver colored silo came into view.

It looked old and abandoned. The only thing next to it was broken down remains of a barn and maybe a shed. Bert parked the car about a hundred feet away from the building. We all climbed out, making sure to shut the doors quietly.

My heart began to race. I hadn't realized how scared I was until I stepped outside and seen everything clearly. It hit me like a brick wall. My brother was being held hostage in that building by a crazy woman and her son.

Someone softly wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I looked up to see who the warm embrace belonged to and realized it was Ty. I leaned into him, letting his comforting touch surround me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I took in a deep breath, the fresh air filling my tight lungs. "I-I think so. I'm just scared. I want to see my brother so bad Ty, but what if he blames me for everything? What if he was hurt because of me? It's all my fault he's gone through this and—"

Ty leaned down, placing a soft kiss on my lips. I assumed it was to stop my rant. "Rebecca, I know how close you are to your brother. He won't blame you for this. He shouldn't either, because it is not your fault. And he isn't the only one why has gone through a lot. We all had to go through this together."

"It's not even over yet," I whispered to myself. Something warm slid down my cheek and I wiped it away, realizing it was a tear. I hadn't even known I was crying.

Ty sighed, pulling me into his chest. "No, but it will be soon." I nodded in response, burying my face into his shirt. He chuckled and I could feel the vibration of his chest against me. It felt good.

"Are we all ready?" Bert asked. Everyone nodded. My heart was already racing, but it sped even more when I caught sight of the gun Bert had tucked in a holster inside his jacket. We won't have to use it. I kept telling myself that over and over.

We started down the muddy path, my tennis shoes sinking into the soggy ground. I could already feel the mud clumping in the soles of my shoes. Wet, scratchy weeds wrapped around my legs entangling them. But I ignored it. None of that was important right now.

We were now only ten feet away from the silo. Bert had told us that from the outside it looked like a completely normal building, but on the inside it was anything but normal. He and Whitney led us to the back where a small hatch was.

Bert tugged up on the sheet of metal and it gave way, revealing a five foot by five foot gap to crawl through. Whitney got down on her hands and knees and crawled through first. She gave us the all clear before the rest of us followed.

I stood up, dusting off my jeans. Bert was right. The inside looked nothing like I'd imagined. Inside the round building was a lab filled with equipment, papers, liquids, tools. Then, a ladder led up to a loft area. I couldn't see what was up there. Someone had definitely been here recently. That was for sure.

"Come on guys. If Matthew is anywhere it would be up in the storage room of the loft. It locks from the outside and doesn't have any windows, obviously." Whitney whispered. She pointed a thin finger at the ladder.

I nodded, sending her a small smile. I was the first to climb up the ladder with Hannah right behind me. Kyran and Ty were just after that with Whitney and Bert trailing behind.

I stepped off the ladder and onto the platform. There was a small rocking chair, a bed, bookcase, and a desk. Like Bert had said, straight in front of me was a door that locked from the outside.

I turned back to Bert and Whitney who were giving me encouraging looks. With a shaky hands I gripped the handle, preparing myself for what was on the other side of this door.

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