Chapter Thirty-seven

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By five o'clock, Faith was tired. She was ready to go home, prop her feet up in front of the fire and watch a movie. Romance of course. She sighed, her life was slowly becoming predictable and pathetic.

When she turned on her street she was immediately confused. There were people surrounding her house! There was also really, loud music coming from her house. Reporters! Ugh, what the hell? She thought. The people moved out of her way so she could pull in the drive.

What she saw confused her much more. She stepped out of her car, and stared at her yard, her porch then all the people smiling and whispering.

Her yard was covered in white roses, hanging from the trees were pretty, crystal swirly ornaments. Silver Garland covered in more white roses wrapped around her porch, white petals covered her porch floor. Her door was open, she looked back at the people who oddly smiled and waved their hands as if she should go forward.

The song playing was, I'm sorry by buckcherry. Could this be Lucas' way of apologizing?

She smiled and skipped inside, following a trail of pretty silver bells and white petals. The trail stopped at the kitchen. She looked around and saw a note. 

Her heart raced, she walked to it and picked it up off the table.

Dearest Faith,

Please continue up the stairs. Walk in to your room and on the balcony.

No name.

She put the note down, even more confused. She flew up the stairs, ran into her bedroom and out the balcony doors. She leaned against the rail and looked down. What she saw took her breath away and made her heart race.

I'm sorry. Those were the words spelled out in the roses. She knew it wasn't Lucas. It was Logan, because she knew his handwriting from anywhere.

she wasn't sure how she felt about that. any of this, knowing this was his doing. all she could think was,


"Faith." Logan whispered her name, she spun around. Logan was leaning against the door frame. Her eyes were full of confusion, pain, distrust, stress, and a little anger. A tear fell down her cheek.

Logan was in a white tux, staring at a white rose he twirled in his fingers.

"Why?" She whispered.

He shrugged lazily. "Because I've been stupid, I've been a jerk, and I've been lost without you Faith. When is it our turn to Dance?" He finally looked up at her. She could see the apology in his eyes. He really was sorry. But she was not the same girl, what he'd done... well it's beautiful but she couldn't trust him, let alone forgive him. He almost got married to another woman who he swore would come back to him last night.

Just what is he trying to pull? She thought.

They just stared at each other, not speaking.

"KISS her Logan!" Someone yelled from the crowd down below.

Faith frowned, Logan smiled.

"Logan, what are you doing?" Faith asked, looking away from his intense gaze.

"I love you Faith." He said, staring at the rose again.

Faith shook her head, another tear rolling down her cheek.

"Yes Faith, I love you. I miss you, I miss what we had, what we shared. I miss it all."

"No." She whispered.

Logan took a step forward, making Faith take a step back.

"Just last night you swore Nikki would take you back. Now all of a sudden you love me, you miss me? Logan..."

"Faith, I was so focused on trying to love someone else just to get over you. But after last night, with Lucas... what we had was real. Lucas and you, y'all will never have what we had. Nobody can take your place. Forever and alwaws, remember Faith?" He asked quietly looking back up at her.

Faith was fully crying now, remembering the oak tree at the pond. "I'm sorry." She cried, running past him. She ran down the stairs and out the door. She jumped in her car and peeled out of her driveway crying uncontrollably.

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