Chapter Thirty-Five

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Faith was sitting in her living room with Lucas. They were sitting in front of the fireplace when he looked at her with a serious look.

"What?" She asked, smiling.

"I believe you're finally enjoying yourself Faith." He smiled back.

"I am, ain't I? I mean, my life shouldn't be evolved around a man who is engaged. Plus, you're not so bad Lucas. You are fun to hang around with, funny, sweet and you keep my mind off of him a lot." She whispered, looking at her fingers.

"Do you like me Faith?" He asked, still looking at her.

"I do. But maybe not enough to start anything with you Lucas. I like our friendship. It's nice, it helps me get over Logan. I'm far from getting over Logan, but I haven't thought about him once tonight and I like that." She whispered even more quietly, still looking at her fingers.

"Well, I'm glad I can help you Faith. You're an amazing woman, and you deserve happiness." He smiled, staring at the fire.

"Thank you Lucas. For everything, you're amazing too." She whispered. She was feeling a little upset about her feelings, and his feelings. She felt like she was betraying her love for Logan. She knew it was dumb to feel this way, but she couldn't help it or describe it really.

It was an awkward moment of silence when her doorbell rang. She looked at the clock, it was eleven thirty. Who in the hell would be at her door at this time of night? Nancy probably, she thought standing up. Then she paused, remembering Jack. She knew he was dead, but she was still scared.

"Would you like me to come with you Faith?" Lucas asked, standing up. He noticed her pause and his face was full of concern. Her face was still mildly bruised, it angered her everyday she saw it.

"No. I can do it by myself." She said.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded. "I need to do it by myself Luke, or i'll never get over this fear." She whispered, looking at him. He nodded, understanding. She was grateful for how understanding he could be.

She walked to the front door and opened it. Who she saw was the last person she ever expected to see.

"Logan?" She breathed. "What are you doing here damnit?" She asked, getting pissed off.

She could smell the alcohol on him. "I hate you." He whispered, looking into her eyes.

"Alright, fair enough. Is that all you came to tell me? If so, you did and now you can leave." She said, gritting her teeth.

"That's it? No tears, no questions. You're just accepting that I hate you Faith?" He mumbled, looking away.

"Yes Logan, it is. I have no tears left for you. I'm moving on, I've decided after the whole jack thing, it's literally not healthy for me to hang on to someone who clearly doesn't love me back. And I was doing a great job until you showed up on my doorstep. What the hell are you doing here? Is that really all you wanted to say? Because you said it, now I want you to leave." She said, raising her voice, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Well, I'm not engaged anymore." He slurred his words.

"Good for you, glad you found someone to marry. Shouldn't you be home with her and your daughter?" She asked coldly.

Logan's face turned cold, "I should. But she left me at the altar because of you. Which I came to tell you THAT hoping it makes you feel like shit, because you can never feel half the pain, that I am feeling at this very moment Faith. My life just walked out, she just left me because she thinks I still love you. So, let me get this straight, I did love you once. It was a great love, a great relationship. But you screwed it up, not me. So now, you get to spend the rest of your days knowing that you had a great man and you let him and his daughter walk away. Your fault. Not mine. I will not stop until I get Nikki back, she's the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. Not you damnit." He said angrily, slurring his words again.

"You're a dumb woman Faith. That's all." He said, taking a swig of his liquor.

Lucas came to the door then, "Look buddy, you can tell her you don't love her. You can tell her it's her fault and I won't get involved because that's between you two." Lucas started, Logan interrupted.

"Then why are you getting involved, cowboy?" He asked, then laughed.

"Because, you don't disrespect woman. You call her dumb, I get involved. Faith is one of the smartest women I have ever met. The only dumb thing I know that she has done in her life, is fall in love with you." Lucas smiled.

Faith couldn't help but laugh as well, because the look on Logan's face made all her hurt vanish, if only for a second. He was pissed.

"Oh yeah, is that so?" Logan asked.

"The only words comin outta my mouth is my God to honest opinion man. And my opinion of you is very damn low. You've put Faith through so much hell, then you have the nerve to come all the way from Wyoming to talk down to her on her front porch? I don't sit well with that. You are a coward, and a piece of shit Logan." Lucas said.

Logan snarled, then tackled Lucas through the door. Lucas and Logan slid across the floor, Lucas hit his head on the end table.

"Oh my gosh, are you freaking kidding me guys? You two are full grown men! Stop acting like boys in high school! You're going to ruin my house!" Faith screamed grabbing her book and smacking both of them with it.

Logan stood up the same time Lucas did, he swung and hit Lucas in the nose. Lucas tackled Logan, knocking him to the floor and sat on top of him. He hit him a good three times in the mouth, blood was all over Faith's floor.

"Damnit guys! Fucking quit!" Faith screamed, continuing to beat them with the phone book which didn't seem to phase them.

Logan pushed Lucas against the wall, Lucas kicked Logan in the shin with his boot making Logan drop and grab his shin. Lucas pushed him with his foot, Logan hit the end table and knocked the lamp off and it shattered.

Faith had enough. That was her grandmother's lamp.

She went to her bedroom, reached under her bed and grabbed the gun. She pointed it out the door and pulled the trigger.

The noise was loud. Both men froze.

"I said enough. Logan, get the hell out of my house now. My love for you can no longer hurt me. Go get married, go fall in love, go jump off a fucking bridge for all I give a damn. Just get out now." Faith growled.

Logan looked shocked as hell, but walked out the door.

Lucas fixed his hair and hat.

"You get out too Lucas, I just want to be alone." Faith said.


"Go Lucas! You fought with him, just as much as he fought with you. I don't need that childish shit in my life. Get out please." She mumbled, not looking at him.

Lucas shuffled out the door slowly.

Faith sat down on the floor next to the door. She shut it with her shaking hand, and took a deep breath and sighed.

I can't believe I just said all that to Logan. Damn, I'm getting better at this, and I'm so proud of myself. Faith thought, she couldn't help smiling. Telling Logan off like she did, it made her feel lighter, it made her proud that she could defend her heart when it came to Logan. Maybe, just maybe everything would be ok. Maybe she wouldn't be heartbroken for the next several years. Maybe she could get over Logan Slater after all.

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