'You will not be happy with Earl Swain,' Beth prophesied.

Madison turned sharply to look at Beth, thinking she was jesting, but Beth's face was deadly serious.

How could Beth make such a pronouncement about Rankin?

'I am hungry,' Madison dismissed Beth's warning. 'I am going into the kitchen to have lunch. See if Mr. Rochester requires anything,' Madison dismissed her maid.

'Lady Madison, Mr. Rochester's butler has arrived,' Beth announced.

'Good day,' Madison smiled. 'What is your name?'

'Nester my lady,' the butler respectfully answered.

Madison wondered what was in the huge basket he carried. It was certainly well packed, judging from the way the servant battled with its weight.

'Escort Nester to Mr. Rochester's room, and have the kitchen prepare some refreshments for him,' Madison requested politely.

'Very well my lady,' Beth guided Nester up the stairs to Chadwick's room.

'Good afternoon sir.'

'Nester it is about bloody time you got here. What took you so long?'

'Sorry sir.'

He did not bother explaining, upon receiving the note; he had packed the basket and rode the carriage like hell to get to his master as quickly as possible.

'What have you got there?' Chadwick permitted a rueful smile.

'Two sets of clothes sir. Some personal effects,' he showed Chadwick the soap, razor blade, body spray and some of your favourites,' Nester grinned.

'Let's see those favourites,' Chadwick waved his hand impatiently for the basket.

He looked through it and found smoked sausages, dried beef, salted peanuts, and a bottle of the finest brandy.
Ah sweet nectar.
Chadwick opened the bottle and drank a generous mouthful of brandy.

'You should have got here earlier,' he scolded Nester. 'Want some Buttons?' Chadwick offered the bottle to the groom.

'No Mr. Rochester,' Buttons straightened and shook his head vigorously.

'Try some of this,' he threw a packet of dried beef to Buttons. 'It is delicious. The best in the continent,' Chadwick laughed.

'Shall I shave you sir?'

'Yes hurry up about it and get some clothes on me,' Chadwick barked. 'I have been pushed and prodded around here like a bloody corpse.'

A broad grin plastered across Button's face at the exaggeration.

'You think it funny Buttons?'

'No Mr. Rochester. Not at all,' his face became serious again.

'You may have the afternoon off Buttons. Nester will take care of me now.'

'Er---the baron may have words with me about that sir. I think I will stay just the same.'

'Suit yourself,' Chadwick bit into a piece of sausage. 'Ring for some hot water Buttons. I need a decent bath.

'Right away,' Buttons tugged on the cord near the bed.

'Is there something you need?' Madison burst into the room.

'I wanted a servant actually,' Chadwick answered.

'What is that bottle of brandy doing here?' she demanded.

'It ---is for the baron,' Chadwick answered quickly, reluctantly offering her the bottle.

Nester's eyes widened before he quickly schooled them. Madison directed her eyes at the butler. She took the bottle and made no comment about the broken seal and some of the missing content from the bottle.

Betrothed to the wrong gentleman: Historical FictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt