"Crazy huh?" He smiles in disbelief, "We are so immature that we still have tickle fights yet you we're going to have a baby soon."

"Yeah." You sigh, looking down at your stomach, "I can't wait to tell them all about their Dad."

Dan's smile slowly drops and he releases his hands from your stomach.

"You are going to be fantasic Mum. I know it's all happened so quick and it was probably a shock to you but trust me, you won't need me here." He says softly, "Just remind them that I love them regardless of what sex they are, what gender they decide to identify as, who they love and what they do in life. They will always be our child and that in itself makes them perfect already."

You feel yourself welling up and you put your arms around Dan's neck.

"I really do love you Daniel James Howell." You say, "Always have, always will."

Dan doesn't even need to respond, you know he feels the same way as he has proved that multiple times.

"Same here." He grins, pressing his lips against yours.

He then pulls off ever so slightly so that your lips are just centimetres apart.

"We better go into the living room with Phil." He suggests, "We can finish this later."

"Definately." You smile.

Dan clambers off of your body and holds his hand out, pulling you up and leading you out of the bedroom, through the hall and into the living room.

~ Time Skip ~

"What a day!" Phil says mid-yawn, "I'm gonna head to bed if you guys don't mind."

"Not at all!" Dan says, grinning down at you as you sit on his on his lap.

"Night Philip!" You call out.


Phil switches the main light off, leaving you and Dan in a darkened room, with nothing but a range of candles planted around the room to give you light.

You wrap you arms around Dan's neck and lay your head on on his shoulder, letting out a small yawn.

"Are you tired?" He whispers, "We can go to bed if you want?"

"No." You quickly respond, "I want to stay up with you for a bit longer."

"Fine by me." Dan mutters, resting his head against yours.

You spend a few moments in silence, just enjoying his company and then you feel your eyelids begin to flutter shut.

"(Y/n)." Dan whispers.

You jump out of your skin and place your hand on your chest.

"Sorry!" You say.

"Don't be." Dan smiles, "If you're tired, just fall asleep on me. I'll carry you to bed."

You shake your head at how lucky you are and push your lips against his again, unable to contain it anymore. Taking him by surprise, he kisses back, his lips fitting on yours like a glove fits a hand and you place your hands either side of his face. You lock lips for what seems like ages until you finally pull away and hold onto Dan's hands, pulling them closely to your stomach. He just smiles and shakes his head like before.

"Absoloutely crazy." He grins.

You snuggle down against his chest and clasp onto the material of his black jacket, pulling it closely to you as you shut your eyes.

"Goodnight baby girl." He says softly.

You take one final glance up at him and finally close your eyes with a smile on your face and his warmth radiating off of his body, onto yours. Honestly, you never want this to end. Sadly, you know it will a lot quicker than you want it to.

A/N Okay so after all the emotion, I thought I'd write a little fluffy chapter for you to recover with so I hope you enjoyed it! So Dan's home now and you've spent today, kissing, cuddling, talking about your baby and overall, enjoying each other's company. Everything seems to be going just fine but will this change? Will Dan's health take another turn for the worst and make things difficult! He hasn't got much longer left... if you enjoyed this chapter then don't forgot to vote and comment! Tysm!

~ Katie

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