Basic "Annoying" Fanfiction Ideas

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To make up for the lack of inactivity, while scrolling down in my newsfeeds for two minutes, I decided to make a rant about the most basic fanfic ideas, use d in said fanfictions and why I disagree with their idea. I'd like to try to make a rant about more generally specific ones, but crossing out the basics seems like the better choice.

Note/Warning: Though I will be discussing why I disagree with some of these ideas, you are still free to like them, and everything I say here are obviously my opinion

SonAdow (Sonic X Shadow)

Idea:  Sonic is in a fiddle, after being asked by Amy on a date in multiple occasions these past few days. Knowing that a simple decline will not make Rosy the Rascal stop from making him go out with her, Sonic tells Amy that he currently has an interest in Shadow, to fend her off. (And then then start to like each other blah blah blah)

Now, first off, the reason I really dont like the idea of this, is because I know Amy has an infatuation for Sonic, but some writers tend to make it in a way that it is too annoying to even stand. Amy does like to ask Sonic out, and she isnt too okay with a no, but in medias I've seen with her, she ends up giving up anyway only to try again. It what makes that side of her great.

As for Sonic and Shadow, I know I'm gonna get hated for this, and I really dont care, but its just the idea that Sonic will tell him he would like Shadow, of all people. Honestly if I was Sonic he wouldnt be the first name I'd think off, and then that part where "ARE THEY GONNA FALL IN LOVE??!?!?" is so overused, that it makes the plot feel too easy to pick on. I've seen like, 3 or 4 fics with this kind of idea, and I have read none so I could be wrong.

Idea:  Sonic/Shadow and co. are in highschool, and Sonic/Shadow is suddenly gonna fall in love with the new guy (Sonic/Shadow)

The idea, in itself seems pretty harmless. Just a generic Highschool AU, thats all. But the reason I feel uncomfortable around these is that it's so open for ideas, that there inner context seems so random, when trying o piece out ways to have them like each other. It tries to make the two relate to each other by Sonic being the only bro who can shoulder up Shadow's backstory or making them too relatable to each other, even if they arent much. But then again, it depends on the writer.

Idea: Sonic/Shadow has a dark, traumatizing past, and only Shadow/Sonic can help them through it by being either too relatable, or emotional dependent on Shadow/Sonic

Although I didn't describe it as well as I did, its basically those fanfics that make Sonic all depressed for some terrible reason, and only Shadow can talk him out of it (not even Tails!)  for some reason, and they start to like each other because of the usual "you helped me feel happiness" thing.  Now this idea is overused if you ask me, and its kinda annoying considering how OOC they make it, and how weird the excuses are to make Sonic emotionally broken, may it be an injury or death.

(I'd like to tackle more of these, but maybe a suggestion or too can really help me write a bit faster!)

SonAmy (Sonic X Amy)

Idea: Amy becomes better, stronger and prettier and more badass and Sonic becomes a sap about it

This is weird because this kind of trope is something I used to read in the Fairy tail fandom. Not to say that I havent read any fanfics that makes this idea look good, its just most of them seems rushed and forced, as if one failure can make Amy turn 180. This idea knda feels insulting when not written right

Idea:  Sonic has always been inlove with Amy, but is too shy to say it (HighSchool AU)

For a fact, ones I've read that uses this idea outside of wattpad, without the AU setting does seem well written when put in the right hands, but some fanfics just makes the idea too dramatic or as what I call it "sappy" that it seems unlikely. Also flaunting the idea that Sonic has always had a crush on Amy as well and just never realized or admit it is a charming idea, and I'm sure most fans like it but some situations, makes it OOC though I have seen ones that won me over in the end by keeping his character and giving him an actual reason to like her back.

Idea:  Amy found out that Sonic has been cheating on her with Sally Acorn / Amy has to suffer heartbreak while watching Sonic and Sally's relationship grow as she keeps her feelings for Sonic in check for the sake of keeping him happy

I mean, for a fact I hate Sally for the many many reason why,  but even I know that Sally isnt that stereotypical teen popular girl who is suddenly a cheerleader who gets all the dudes! I mean she is a guy-magnet at one point in the comics, and she is well known in her world and in real life, but I mean even a Sally hater like me can get annoyed at how indescribably out of character is written sometimes. Also I was never a fan of the whole "Sonamy was a thing but then SonSal happens because Sonic is a play-a" thing because it just insults Sonic's character. Archie did that before and we all know what happened to that arc! I mean Sonic isnt like that at all, neither is Amy a sad sap who'd watch. I mean its basically bad writing to have Amy be someone who'd just give up on Sonic. Yes, Amy has been written before to have eventually give up on Sonic for his happiness, but she never really gave up, she toned it down but still flirted with him, because she knows/thinks he'll eventually be hers. 

Idea: Amy is the new girl in school and now Sonic has found the new girl interesting and worth his time. Sonic tries his best to become close with the new girl, as Amy meets new friends and foes on the way

The typical High School AU idea. Not all fanfictions about this idea is bad, I just mentioned this because of how many they are, and how some arent as well thought out as I expected. 

SonSal (Sonic X Sally)

Idea: Sally is the smart leader of the school, While Sonic is the care-free popular athlete. The to childhood friends have always been close, ever since kids and now highschool is the perfetc time to make their relationship stronger

These are the type of fics that mostly just focuses on Sonic and Sally just being close and all, while tossing in the fact that they are main characters who are both special in their own way. The reason why I dont find these fics entertaining because they ted to ignore the main facts that makes SonSal bad, and I'm not even gonna say what they are.

Idea: Sonic starts to get jealous of Sally's boyfriend and stirs himself away from Sally. Sally, missing Sonic's company looks for him, only to be stirred by jealousy when she finds out that He hooks up with Amy for the sake of forgetting her

If I'm being honest, I just thought of this one. It's one of those plot idea you'd see someone mention, but you never really found anything about it. This is one of those apart-together-apart kinds of story telling, where Sonic and Sally are torn between either wanting to deal and keep their current relationship or get together, only to get together for their own selfish wants. This is one of those fics that I never lied because it makes Amy and Monkey Khang the villain, while Sonic and Sally are the desperate lovers that want to be together. Ew, gross.

(Because of my lack of memory on what SanSal fics are about, a suggestion in the comments would be really helpful)

(I will add the Shadamy, Mephilver, Sonic X OC and more Sonadow in either an update to this one of a new rant. Suggestions will be very much appreciated)

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