I have "People Problems"

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This is the part where I remind you that I also rant about the Wattpad! Sonic FANDOM and not just the treatment of SEGA's characters.

This one is gonna be very very short, and is most likely repetitive like most of my rants, and I know there are so much arguments for my words, but i hope someone would actually like to disagree for once because reading disagreeing opinions can be entertaining if you aint a coward for them

Okay okay, so I log in and fins hypocrites in my dash. Great.

This is usually those times where a Sonic shipper would (like in my old complaint) would have the right nerve to call out a ship for a specific reason, but then loves a ship who's primary characteristic is the exact thing she hates. 

DO you guys know how irritating it sounds, as a reader? Stupid, really. I know some people would yell to me about this, but honestly I know I do this too but sometimes you cant always just judge a ship on what it is now. You gotta be open for development and things like that. I know I say this too much but there is seriously more to a ship than good fanart.

For example, its like if a Sonadow fan makes fun of SonAmy and SonSal for making Sonic OOC, yet that ship does it itself, and in its own level too.

Doesn't that sound stupid? Well if it was you who saw that thing that made me write this, it would. I have no problem with you, as long as you have something that justifies why you like a ship or not. Not really saying that you need to give me a whole book report about why you think you beloved Sonadow isnt OOC and its somehow canon in Sonic Boom for reason I would never know why, but liking a ship because its cute or hot is such an invalid and common argument that being told that makes you wanna throw them to a garbage bin, really.

The brings us to this other topic, Reasoning. I think I've already made something about this before (too lazy to check) but right now mine might be a little off topic.

Regarding the idea, arguments and logical reasoning to why a ship seems attracting to you comes with why and how you found it in the first place. Reading the story of how a person saw good fanart and instantly loved the ship makes me cringe, because good fanart doesnt make or create a good ship.Its what it stands for that matters.Why it is even plausible and if it has an actual meaning, and what and how it affects the characters are core parts of a ship. I mean no one is stupid enough to just like a ship for its good media, but acting like it really is the only reason makes you sorta look bad, as a person.

Again, not saying that if you like a ship doesnt mean you need a book report about why you like it. As long as you are smart enough to see it's goods and bads, thats good enough for me.

I know, I sound too much like a hater and I know it shows, but honestly I cant stop getting a bit pissed when people act like this. Seeing such judgemental people nitpick on characters, pairing and even users for such idiotic and ignorant reasons, just because what others tell them is going against their morals or what they believe makes me really sad (not saying I'm not one of these though, because I'm man enough to say that I'm in this catergory) . I'm not really expecting the world to be this peaceful and perfect place, but just try to not be Mr. Hypocrite and Ms. Fangirl

Quick rant/Correction: 

Using the argument "This ship is not Real!!!!1"is not a good argument, because to fair, no ship is. Not you OC X Sonic, not Sonadow, not any other ship. But hey, if its a decent ship that many fans and maybe even SEGA/Archie justifies as canon, than maybe you got a winner, but thats the only case lol

Mentioning the fact that "you dont care if its popular or not" actually makes you look butthurt, if used wrong.

Calling us judgemental (when you are one yourself) just because we ship something that makes you puke doesnt mean we are"blind and stupid" I quote 

Telling us that our ship wont ever happen isnt gonna change anything, and it makes you look butthurt even more. Does me, complaining about Sonadow 24/7 do anything? Not really. Its what the imagination, fanfiction and fanart is for, genuise (I mean dumbass). Its the idea of the ship that we like so much, its backstory and their overall current and possible relationship that keeps us going (yes, I'm talking about Silvaze)

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