Shipping Hypocrisy

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Better make this one sonic fast because its so late right now

Right well, Shippers! Like what the actual f*ck man! Shippers!

Usually these rants are anger-driven whenever I see something that piss me off, and luckily I found one like 5 minutes before I planned to sleep.

Look, I know you guys have ships you like and some die-hards would love to tear someone's skin off, trying to defend the ones you like. Sure. But honestly, not all of you should just judge other ships just because they may or may not be appealing to you. 

Random reader: BUT NotMH! You're also a random user who's judging ships like the people you're talking about! What makes a b*tch like you different?!

Well thank you, random reader. Honestly, I do this too but I'll give a more general argument later. Most of my "ship" related rants are also mostly anger-driven, like 90% of the stuff here, but atleast I aint sitting here trying to yell at everyone to convince them that their ship is good. I atleast do my best to give an argument. In your eyes, they may or may not be offensive, but I do my best actually. Right now I'm just trying to compare myself to those people who just yells that Sonadow is hot or SonSal is the absolute gold of the Sonic Fandom. 

The only reason I differentiate myself from most, is because even if I were to be proven wrong, if I said something in my argument I already know that I am wrong. Behind this computer/phone, I am already knowledgeable about the fact that I can be wrong and I can miss something and that I can be more open-minded and stuff like that and I'm sure most people are like this too. Personally I see the light in all ships, may it be the ones I hate or not AND EVEN IF I DONT SAY IT, i KNOW THESE, and I'm glad lots of people are like this too. I dont need to be told to know that Sonadow can have sense if they were both into men, or that it does have small help in character development, because I'm conscious enough to know that already, the moment that I wrote the rant.

But fighting for what you think is right or wrong with no arguments at all does piss me off.

Now back to what I was originally rant about, It just pisses me off, seeing someone put up an argument against the other ships, but then does the thing she's against on something her/she likes.

FOR EXAMPLE: The person hates Mephilver so much because it makes no sense, based on who and what Mephiles is and because of how Silver would treat him in a more, in-universe perspective. But ships OC X Mephiles and Shadilver, because they are suddenly perfect for each other.

I wont put up the whole argument that I read today but all I can say is that, I honestly liked how that person gave an actual argument about why it sucks. And it's logical too! But then when you suddenly read what actual ships she/he is into, you start to lose the admiration you had 5 seconds ago, especially if she/he ships carbon copies of the ship that she/he hates.

If you, Mr/Ms reader didn't already noticed, when talking about ships I usually throw in the word development in their, because my personal preference is ships that can help develop each other's character and makes them better, as an individual. Rarely do I like something just because they look cute. Of course, with an idea like this comes with endless possibilities, based on each person. What I think is development can be different in your eyes and vice-versa. 

But what pissed me off today, is reading someone say that it doesn't look good because of what the characters are NOW. If you didnt understand what I just said a second ago, let me clarify. People who only says that a pairing is not good because of what it is right now. Some whose obviously not open for development and just judges it for what it is and not for what it can be. Remember in my Mephadow rant, I turned my interest completely off, for the sole reason that it is only good for fanart, and can affect in none of their stories. I know it sounds like a stupid thing to say, but honestly this is how I weigh my ships.

Also! Quick complaint about an anonymous user that I wont name, like wtf man? You call and throw in ships that you think has no relationship and potential, yet your MAIN ship is a pairing of two characters who are practically the same person, make them so unbelievably OOC and make fun of other ships with a similar aesthetic as them, when what you find "OTP worthy" is worst than what you even hate? Who are trying to fool here? (certainly not me)

That's all I want to put down for tonight. I do what to make a longer rant about this subject, but probably when I think of something rant worthy. I do apologize for talking a bit messy on this one. Its so late right now that I'd rather sleep then keep on arguing with a wall. I know my arguments on these one are pretty dumb and confusing.

If you guys got something to go against me or something to prove me wrong, comment down! I'd love to hear what you guys have to throw at me and I'll gladly have a discussion with you guys.

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