16) Maybe It's Just Me

Start from the beginning

"Yes, although I was a tad bit scared when I saw you sleeping in his bed without him" she frowned slightly.

God that sounds wrong. I rubbed my arm awkwardly "Sorry, I kind of needed him last night"

"I kind of figured that part out on my own" She answered.

Ignoring the awkwardness of the situation I walked over to the old wooden table and sat myself down. "So where is he?"

She shrugged "I'm not sure, I got here about an hour and a half ago"

"So you have a key to the house?" I questioned, letting my protective sister mode coming out just a smidge.

"No, I just know where the spare key is" She answered fidgeting a little.

I nodded my head in approval. Even though this was technically Clay's house, it felt wrong for someone else to have a key to it and me not to know anything about it.

She went back over to whatever she was cooking "So Clay tells me that you're getting married this week?"

I laughed humorlessly "Yeah I might"

"Might?" She questioned laughing.

"My fiancé and I are not really... speaking at the moment"

"Oh...I'm sure that you'll work it out" She said smiling reassuringly.

I frowned "I'm not so sure"

Five minutes past with silence, you could see the tension in her muscles as she faced the stove. From what I can tell she has been over here more than I have recently, so if anyone should have tension it should be me; waking up to a stranger and all.

The silence broke quickly as Clayton walked through the back door, with blood stains on his fist. Karen brought her hand to her open mouth, as Clay looked between the two of us.

I rolled my eyes "What did you do?"

Clay rose his eye brows and pointed out the window "I drove on up to that party and set a little lesson in to Wes"

"Wes?" I questioned "What are we on a last name bases with him now?"

Karen had brought an old torn up towel to Clay, who began wiping off Blake's blood. Clay's eyes turned into slights "What is wrong with you? Did you just lie about the whole thing you told me last night? Because if you did I need to go make sure that little prick is okay!"

"Look I am upset about it, if I wasn't I'd be making you take me to some asylum right now. Do I think he needs talking to? Yes. Do I think he needs to be beaten up? No. Like I told you, I really don't think that he knew what he was doing. Not that I really want to talk or ever see him again, but I think violence was a little over the edge in this situation."

Clay placed his fists on the wore down table, as he looked down at me "Go get in the car"

"What? Why?" I asked loosening up, not thinking that I would get that reply.

"Because I'm about to take you to the asylum" He leaned back and walked over to Karen who was looking questioningly at the both of us.


"Now Cassandra" He said over his shoulder sternly.

I roughly pushed away from the kitchen table and stocked out of the back door, heading for his beat up old truck; mumbling a string of curse words the entire way.

He drove me down to where Blue Bell lay waiting, from where I parked her last night.

My arms had been crossed over my chest the entire ride and not a word had been spoken between us, making it so that you could cut the tension with a knife.

Because I Know There's No Life After You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now