Chapter 21

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Maraj POV

Damn what happened. My head still hurts I felt wetness coming from my head I felt it and smelled dog breath. I looked at my fingers as I saw clear liquid. Damn dog been licking on me. "Courage don't lick me no more but good dog."

Yes I named the Courage cuz my favorite show as a kid was Courage the cowardly dog. Courage was show his teeth the people who passed by the car as if he would attack at anytime. I plugged up my phone since it died while I was sleep. I should have taken a nap earlier.

My phone lit up and kept going off with thousands of messages, voicemails, Kik messages, Snapchat, DMs, and phone calls. I went to Sierra contact and called her she picked up the first ring.

"Maraj...? Baby is that you?"

"Yes baby its me... Where are y'all?"

"We in Atlanta where are you?"

"I'm in downtown Atlanta I couldn't drive anymore once I got here so I slept in the car."


"Yes Nwa?" (Nwa mean baby in Igbo)

"We need to talk about something?"

"Ok baby I'm on my way I'm like maybe forty five minutes away."

We hung up after saying I love you and I started droving looking for a gas station.

A hour later

I grabbed Courage and the key to the apartment. I went to the our temporary apartment and walked in.

"Baby?" I walked in and say her laying on the sofa with Kariah on her chest. I picked Kariah up kissing her head full of curls and walked to the bedroom. I sat down and as I sat down a girl in my T-shirt flip on her side.

Who the hell is this bitch... Better yet why the fuck does she have on MY clothes. I got up and placed Kariah in her sitter and went back to the bedroom flipping the light on.

I say her trying to block the light with a pillow but I snatched it away. I threw the sheets off her body. I then threw a bucket of cold ass water on her.

"Aaahhhh!!! Really Sierra why would you do that I was up with Kariah so u could sleep. Now let me sleep why you throw cold water on me." She said with a attitude.

"I'm not Sierra for 1, 2 this my apartment, 3 why the fuck are you in my bed with my clothes and why the fuck was u holding my daughter!" I was so angry I jacked the girl up. I held her up by the shirt where her feet couldn't touch the floor.

"Ohhh ummm your Sierra's g...g...girlfriend. Can you please put me down I needed a place to sleep and Kariah was fussing a lot so I helped." I was about to punch her when I heard crying I dropped her not carrying how she landed.

I put ked Kariah up know she was hungry by her cry. I gave her a bottle with cereal and formula in it . the girl soon came around the corner looked at me seeing me love so fast.

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