Chapter 13

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Mari POV
I saw a young version of myself dressed in a ceremonial gown and head pieces. I was sad but happy sad that my  nne nne (grandmother) was died but happy because we celebrate today. Today is Ikwa ozu (celebrating the dead) she is living her new life.

I remember her soft skin and smooth hands rubbing my face. Her raspy voice that always sound pleasant to me. I remember climbing in her bed and watching TV. She would always keep her room cold I would play in her grey hair that was beyond beautiful on her.

"Maraj -abịa anyị ga -esi na- ikwa ozu." My aunt Jay spoke in a sweet voice. The young version of myself rushed to my aunt as she fixed my dressed.

"Auntie I know nne nne isn't here but where is she is she?"

"ọ dị ndụ ya ndụ ọhụrụ." (She is living her new life.) I was confused but I guess I understood.

"I want to live a new life with her." A sad expression came across my face.

"Do not say that Maraj when it is your time you will but not now your to young and must stay. Understand me Funanya (love)"

I nodded my head as we walked fast to the large crowd of people gathered in the house. My aunt let my hand go as I met my cousins to celebrate our nne nne.
  I was awaken from my dream by cold water and myself coughing. Eryn had came back home ugh I was perfectly fine until she came back.

"Who the fuck is Nne Nne your girlfriend? Why are you crying over her I'm the one taking care of you."

"That was my grandmother you fool!" I yelled at her she should be happy this bed has me restrained.

"Aww babe what's wrong I'm sorry I'll make it up to you. Tell me about her later I wanna meet your family."
I looked at her like bush whet! You not coming no where near my family.

"1 don't call me your babe or anything like that ok. 2 I rather you stop touching me I don't like you like that. 3 you will never meet my family."

"What was that language you was speaking."

I looked at her crazy not know what she was talking about.
"You was talking in a different language what was it?"

"So your African?" I stayed silent hoping she would leave or something. Nope she stayed and started at me.

Sierra POV
Maraj has been gone now 3 weeks  this weekend we are getting her. I will be so pleased to see all the hurt and pain on the bitch who took her. Kariah is eating more as if Maraj is here she will be 3 months soon.

I hope Maraj hasn't lost hope because tonight she coming home. Maraj job has been calling like crazy trying to see where she is. I told her boss she is missing and that people are looking for her. I don't know how Maraj can handle her life she been through so much. Plus I fucked up her mind with relationships after all the fucked up shit I did to her. Maraj never deserved that none of that.

I've been thinking for a while now and maybe I should just leave Maraj I don't want to cause her anymore pain than she has to deal with. Maybe it'll just be best if I leave after Maraj gets home and gets better.

Eryn POV
Why am I doing this she never did nothing to me but try to be my friend and I saw her as more. I wasn't taught to be this way towards people. It's just wanted Maraj but maybe I shouldn't force her to date me or anything.

I starred at her lifeless body on my bed. She was sleeping but crying she had gotten skinny over this time of Ger being here. Her skin wasn't even really bright anymore. She was always happy and playful with a good spirit. Even if she didn't really care to much to smile her vibes still had a bright glow to her.

She was crying for a girl named Kariah I'm guessing is her girlfriend. She started speaking some foreign language and calling for some else named nne nne In a strange language. Who the fuck are all these people she calling out and what is she saying. I decided to wake her up. I was going to untie her but she got rude with me so fuck that.
I was at work now waiting on my boss to come to a meeting.

"Hello everyone I have some news to tell you all. Well Maraj will not be coming back as soon as we thought. Her daughter and girlfriend are in our prayer's. However Eryn you will be handling a lot of Maraj work until they can find her and her kidnapper. Are you okay with that." I was zoned out After she said daughter Maraj has a daughter. She never told me.

"Yes she does have a daughter her name is Kariah Maraj originally took off for two months. To spend time with her and build a relationship with her."

"I said that out loud?"
"Yes, but are you okay with take over for her?"

I left the conference room and back to my desk. Kariah is her daughter not her girlfriend. Was taken from the thoughts as a big masculine female walked by holding a baby who looked a little like Maraj. My boss came to my desk with female and child.

"Hey Eryn I wanted you to meet Maraj daughter Kariah and girlfriend Sierra."

"I've seen you before at the gym where I work." Sierra spoke "You work at gym Golden?" She nodded her head.

"She is so cute she has great eyes."

"No there actually blue they change colors for different reason's. They where blue when she meet your boss. So u don't know what's up with her." Sierra said with a smirk like she knew something I didn't. I got scared as I looked at her as a whole she had big arms a six pack and nice legs. Her arms had so many tattoos on them and I could see some right below her collard.

Kariah was holding onto Sierra as if I would hurt her. I would never hurt her she's a baby. Sierra could tell she was uncomfortable so they left and headed for the bosses office. Lord I gotta get Maraj back to her family asap. What was I thinking taking her like that.

What am I going to do...

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