An Evil Addiction

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Hello ILessThan3Youxx!

Ladies and gentlemen, this author has been waiting since June 6th 2012 for her review of a book called "Just Another Messed Up Love Story", which i can't find :(

So I found her only other book, "An Evil Addcition". I hope you don't mind me doing a review for this one instead!

I love Faye, the way she knows both sides of her problem, how it can harm her seriously, but also how it relieves her. I adore the difference between light and dark, and the way she describes both sides.

Your descriptions make me shiver and wince every time she cuts herself. Extremely powerful.

Keep writing! Maybe have some dialogue and interactions with people at school, her parents and others in her life?

Anybody who is looking for a well-written but very chilling read, come and read hers!

Date: 20 December 2013

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