43 - Of Sunset and Dawn

Start from the beginning

He seems to be thinking of the same thing when he inched closer so he could put his arm around her and she could lay her head on his shoulder as they continued to watch the show of colors in the sky.

Sunset is her most favorite time of the day in the beach because for 15 minutes, you get a front seat at watching one of the most spectacular wonders of nature. What makes it doubly special today and probably the most memorable sunsets to date is because she spent it with him in comfortable silence.

"Thank you for bringing me here." she said after some time.

"Do you know that this is my first sunset on a beach?"

"Really? Eh di tao ka na ngayon?" she asked, suddenly teary eyed.

"I just want you to know that I'm glad I got to spend it with you."

That's when the tears fell down. And she can't seem to stop.

Alarmed, he turned and gently held her face. "Wait! Are you crying? Did I say something wrong?"

"No! Oh, I don't know! I guess beauty does that to me sometimes."

He gently wiped the tears with his fingers.

"How do you do the pinky swear again?"

She demonstrated, wondering what he had in mind.

"First to watch the rain together in a rain forest, and now first to watch the sunset on a beach together. I hope that I will make you cry because of beautiful moments like this. Hoping for more firsts with you."



She thought nothing would top what she's feeling. She couldn't have been more wrong. He leaned and kissed her forehead again and made the beautiful moment more special.



"Nakakarami ka na."

"Dalawa pa lang."

A/N: Hindi lang si RFJ and NDCM ang may 'first times'


When they came back, there was already a small bonfire at the beach near their cottage and the three guys are huddled around it, enjoying the grilled food that the resort served.

This was reminiscent of the scene at the campsite that first night of their trek sans the tents. But this time, RJ is not sulking in the corner but taking part in the conversation.

Kuya Wally and Kuya Jose took it upon themselves to regal Meng of the funny stories of RJ when he was a kid growing up in Sta. Rosa as the youngest of two children. Not to be outdone, Paolo had his own stories to tell of a young Menggay growing up in Bulacan also as the youngest of two sisters. Embarrassed, the two can only laugh at the antics of the three guys as they try to outdo the stories of each other, some of which are obviously exaggeration.

Hearing all these stories, Meng can't help but think how different from the makulit and pilyo young Tisoy they pictured him to be to the brooding, serious and masungit RJ that she came to know in the mountains and would still surface from time to time. He still remains a mystery that she needs to unravel. Then she would glance up and find him already watching her, always with that intent gaze that never fails to melt her inside. And all thoughts will be forgotten.

Soon it was time to retire for the night. He walked her to her cottage to bid her goodnight. They agreed to walk again at dawn the next day.


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