Chapter 75 Lamb!

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Zander pulled me flush against his chest and laid a gentle kiss to my forehead. I rubbed my cheek against his own and let out a low purr which in turn caused him to give off a deep masculine laugh.

"Your so adorable."

"Only for you mei amor."

I hadn't realized Zander had brought us down till I felt my lax wings touch the ground and I pulled my white feathers tipped black up to my body. The feathers now having all grown back. Zander brushed his thumb against my cheek and I leaned into his touch closing my eyes enjoying his warm hand. I felt warm velvet touch my lips and I responded back kissing showing what I was feeling in that moment. Complete surrender towards my mate, trust  and love.

"Hey, you love birds gonna stand their all day making out or are you going to come and say hi?"

Zander and I broke apart seeing Lilly standing behind us.

"Sorry, we didn't see you there Lilly."

"Yeah I can tell Zander."

I was pulled against Zander's broad chest and his hands wound around my stomach gently. I wasn't as opposed to my mate touching my stomach so he gently brushed his hand over it. I felt some small little bubbly pops and what felt like a elbow getting jammed around my ovaries.

"Oii, Zander, please ease up."

"Love, I am hardly even touching your stomach."

I frowned a bit and Lilly got closer to me and knelt down by my stomach.

"Do you mind if I listen?"

I thought for a moment feeling more calm around her a little more tense, but not quiet too badly and let her listen. Zander moved his hands so she could listen better. Lilly pressed her head up against my lower stomach then a slight smile wound onto her face.

"I think your baby is moving around."

"Is that what that is?"

Zander placed his hand back onto my stomach feeling then crouched down to listen as well. A huge grin plastered onto his face.

"I can hear the kicking and feel it."

"Yes, and if you can feel that imagine how it feels for me."

"Interesting experience then?"

Zander stood back up and behind me.

"So, what was it you were looking for us for?"

"Not too terribly much, aside from informing you that my lesson was dismissed for today, since your little display wowed the kids and put the fourth year dragons and younger into a tizzy and scared them off leaving their riders in their still wowed state."

I looked over seeing kids talking fervently to one another.

"Sorry for that, we were bonding."

"Didn't you two already do plenty of that if lil'miss draco over here got pregnant?"

"That was different." I muttered out.

"Ohh, really? Do tell how I would love to hear how it is any different." 

"That bonding was strengthening our already finalized bond and the prior was finalizing our bond."

"Yeah, you can keep the details, all I know is total you two were gone five weeks alone leaving only so many things for you both to do."

"Yeah, but it-"

"Hey, what did I just say?! "

"Not to tell you the details?"

"Thank god at least one of you listens when I speak; Iceis I am referring to you on that one."

"Sorry, sorry. Say, where is your mate?"

"Hmm? Ohh, well I don't have one. Not enough time for one."

"How unfortunate, but with a mate you can, and will always make time for one no matter the time of day or night. You will find your mate someday fear not."

"Ohh, I am not worried, just busy is all."

"Really, well, there are plenty of possible mates here for you..."

"Doll, the ones who are are rather immature and the others are quiet young."

"Yeah, I suppose I see your point..."

I continued to feel the small kicks and placed my hand on my stomach to try and settle the little bugger down. Alas, my effort was in vain. I had the sudden urge to go get something to eat and sniffed the air smelling fresh meats.

"I will be back in a few minutes, I just want to go get some food."

Before Zander could say anything on the matter, I took flight and found what I had been smelling, it was some lamb roasting over a fire. I looked around trying out why a piece of good meat was being cooked unattended. I wasn't so stupid as to let hunger get the best of me and then become trapped so I sat back till some fourth year students came out laughing and I stood up with the help of a tree and my tail. I wasn't to waddling around just yet, but I was maybe a month or two from that. The fourth year boys looked at me with inquiry.

"Err, what are you?"

"A dragon. Can I have some?"

Both boys looked to each other for a moment then nodded a bit slow not sure what to say undoubtedly, then handed me some of the meat which I ate ravenously.

"If you don't mind us asking, if you are a dragon why do you look partly human?"

In between bites I answered "A. human mate." The meat was soon gone.I heard beating wings in the distance and turned seeing Zander's familiar black wings looping through the sky as he soon saw me and landed.

"So this is where you have been stealing fourth years dinner?"

"I wasn't stealing, I asked and they complied."

"Z..Zander, look different."

"Yes, I would that is due to the fact Iceis is my mate." 

I felt hands moving gently through my feathery hair relaxing me as I leaned further into his touch.

"So, the rumors were true about a dragon and a human conceiving then?"

"Yes, and no. Zander and I were bound mates yet to meet some hundred years ago, due to circumstances he dies before I could hatch thus in this life I took on a form to fit his desires and mine and visa versa in turn this was the result so we both could be bound together with little problem." I rubbed my head under Zander's chin

"Err, ok...then. Congratulations and luck on your life together."

"Thank you for that statement and the food."

"No problem."

Zander and I took off after that Zander being insistent upon just flying me around so I wouldn't be, I met him halfway and did a back flight where I rest on his back and still use my wings, although not all the strain was on my wings and stomach muscles.

(75 chapters and over a year of writing and three years of story planing I still am not done ohh, for fun I may show you a before pic of the very first pic of Iceis I drew then the most recent the differences is obvious then I will show the middle pic which is similar to both but leans more  towards the more recent one and has color. Very tired when I wrote this and is 10:09 pm after  a pep rally, schedule change, AND football game all in one day it was more than a little stressful and I am now pooped and red eyed literally...enjoy the sum of most definitely 80+ chapters to come...shizzle this is a long book)  

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