Chapter 12 A Huge Growth Spurt

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(Pic of Iceis when she is older)
*I had fallen asleep and it felt like I had just gone to sleep when Zander was shaking me awake. My hair was cascaded over my face and my draperies were supper limp. I didn't want to move,but Zander was determined to get me to wake up.*

"Five more minutes!"

"No now!"

"You sound like my mom five more minutes!"

"Since when do you know what your min sounds like?!"

"Since I have been in my egg now let me sleep!"

"Ughhh you are like my teen sister!"

*I looked up at Zander with tired red eyes. He gave me a double take.*

"This is what you get when I don't sleep do you wan to mess with me?!!!"

"Ermm ....did you hit a growth spurt?"

"I don't really care let me sleep!!!!"

"Hey no need to be so snappy!"

"I am tired irritable and very much craving something now unless you want to continue this conversation with claw and bite marks I suggest you shut up!!!!"

*With this being said I slammed my head down back into the desk cracking I and went back to sleep. I had no idea why I was so snappy I normally wasn't this snappy perhaps this is what they call sleep deprived.*

(Zander prov)

*Ok note to self don wake Iceis up especially after going through a major growth spurt from ten to sixteen in an hour.*

"Have you gotten her up yet Zander?"

"If you want to get her up be my guest."

"Why could you not get her up?"

"I did but then she nearly ripped my head off."

"Women can be irritable for variouse reasons. Why is she irritable tho?"

"She hasn't slept in two days and she skipped like ten molts an jumped right into her teen years at sixteen."

"You actually made it out from their unharmed?!"


"That certainly is an accomplishment my wife doesn't let me off without a few bruises.thats only when she is in a good mood tho. If they made a medal for getting out unharmed from a sleep deprived teenager I would I've you a gold medal for it."

"Ermm thanks?"

*I saw Iceis look up with murdur eyes at us and that sent a chill down my spine.*

"If you don't get quiet then I am going to give you more than a missing limb."

*Professor Colins and I took a few huge steps back away from the murdurse female and went and talked quieter.*

"Well back to the topic at hand. How is it she hatched I she doesn't have a rider?"

"According to her he go bored after being asleep in her egg so long so she hatched."



"What kind of excuse is that?!"

"Hey shhhh you don't wan to wake her up."

*I glanced back and Iceis shifting her position as she yawned.*

"Listen if you want to wake up the grouchy female dragon which by the way is sleeping then be my guest,but don't do it when I am around."

"Ok fine, I can ask her later but why would the Cornel give a D.H.C (dragon hatchery caregiver) a dragon?"

"You have to ask the Cornel that."

"You mean Mr. Grumpy pants?Sorry,but no I value my life too much."

"Well I won't ask him if that's what your thinking."

*Professor Colins and I turned to Iceis with the same idea in mind.*

"Perhaps Iceis could, she is after all a grouchy female dragon who doesn't let anything faze her. She even went up against the Cornel,well would have if I didn't stop her."

"Zander that she dragon really is a frightening force."

"You two done talking and scheming cause I am hungry."

*The professor and I turned to Iceis and now that I looked at her I think my jaw nearly dropped to the ground. She had just shifted in size again she now age,21.*

"You sure the Cornel didn't set you up?"

"Honesty with him anything is possible."

"Why are you two looking at me like that?"

(Iceis prov)

*Honestly men,you'd think they never saw a woman in their life!*

"If you two keeping looking at me like that then you will be blinded."

*I flashed my clear sharp nails at them.They both turned around quiqly on their heals.*

"Now can I PLEASE have something to eat?"

"Yeah, hey would you mind doing us a favor?"

"Depends what it is."

"Could you ask the Cornel why he assigned us together?"

"Hell yeah! I have been wondering the same thing,but why can't you do that, scared of him?"


"Wow, so he is the Alpha around here is he?Well you be looking at the Alpha female then,cause nobody scares me around here."

*Zander looked at the Professor and the professor at him with a interesting look displaying surprise and uncertainty.*

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