Chapter 42 Zanders prov Another Form

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(Guess what feral readers I am in the mood and feeling creative to do another chappy! Keep reading liking and commuting and enjoy! Pic is something I drew the first day of school after drawing the original picture over a year ago I was surprised at how good it turned out so decided to share it with you.)

(Zander prov)

*Todays lesson was rather ...interesting. It was on the mating season for dragons,Iceis was rather energetic today even this morning normally Iceis is snoozing since she is nocturnal,but no she was wide awake  preening my hair...ok I admit that wasn't unusually for her,but being awake first thing in the morning was,I would have at least expected her to be cranky and not wanting to interact with anybody not talk. So here I am now Iceis squirming in her seat I gave a sigh signaling she could go. No sooner did I do that she was gone in a matter of seconds.*

"Ok class today is a lesson you all need to learn now since mating season is just starting for dragons. First off for those of you who have older dragons you proably have noticed the males have gotten fare more  aggressive and have started to not want to be around you as well as them getting more color,that is perfectly normal and you need to let them be that way until mating season is over. As for those of you who have female dragons you will notice that depending on the species lessening of manes of hair or increase loss of feathers in certain areas and changes in mood pretending to their sleep patterns and friendliness to other people or make dragons even in some cases closer bonding with their riders. My hand shot up immediately at this information I had a serious question to ask.*

"Miss Heart how old do the dragons have to he till mating season affects them?"

"Hmm well it can depend on each individual dragon and it's species usually around three years of age for males and five for females of course certain species can begin at two years of age or sooner."

*Ok assuming Iceis is on our time she is about a year and six months now...but if she is on the time of being laid...a hundred or so.*

"Any other questions?"

*I shook my head no and Miss Heart continued*

"As I was saying when mating season begins then it is best not to be riding so lessons are cancelled till it ends. Generally mating season lasts a week too three months. Then you the ancient breeds mating season was year round and of course they spent months even years choosing their mate, their lifelong partner. Now you will notice your dragons will either want to he farther away from you or they will want to stay close to you due to their younger age and older males and females can get aggressive if the babies don't have anybody to watch and keep them safe so those of you who have younger dragons keep them close even if they want to get away keep them close."

*Then their is Iceis in this whole mess she is both closer to me as well as want her space...determination she is definitely on point with this mating season. My question goes as to how this would work for her she is a dragon,but she looks human...maybe I shouldn't have let her go... By the time class got out the sun was starting to set I looked up and saw a fairly small dragon it wouldn't even classify as a petit class how small she was petit classes were usually between twenty eight and thirty feet this dragon was full grown her tail was quiet long about fourteen feet long her body estimated about four feet wide and her body length nine feet across her hight estimated about five foot three when standing tall so she was shorter than me. She landed a bit sloppily like she was flying for the first time except slightly better. I was a bit alarmed when she landed in front I me so I did the only logical thing I could think of.

"Umm anybody lose their dragon?"

'Ehh Zander it's me.'


*No way! How did she wind up looking like this?!*

'Yeah,what's wrong?'

" did you get like that?!"

'Like what?'

"You look like a dragon."

'Well I am a dragon.'

"Yes,but I mean you actually look like a dragon."

*Iceis looked herself over.*

'So I do...'

*Iceis leaned close by my face and sniffed me her breath was an icy warm feeling extremely hard to describe. Her feathers were a silvery white she still held the same features as before just her mane of minuscule feather hair was wispy and wind blown almost and only feathers were around her chest so she looked a lot like a griffin and her feathers went down along her sides they were small till they disappeared all together.*

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