Chapter 22 Who Knew Sun Hurt!

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"I wonder what it was?"

"Who knows."

"Hey,who's over by the dragon hatchery?!"

"Zander and Iceis."

"Oh,hey Zander,it's Lilly."

"Hey,Lilly,what are you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same."

"Well you know Iceis is nocturnal and she hasn't been feeling good so since it is night and there is less sound it is a better time for her."

"Ahh,I see,well I have guard duty tonight,if anybody else had caught you out this late then you would be in mojo trouble."

"No,I think Iceis would make us invisible.Isn't that right?"

"Sure,why not."

"Mind if I ask,but what is that blue glove goo on your hand?"

"Spit,and frost."

"Spit?why spit?"

"Zander decided to burn his hand so I gooed it up and frosted it so in a couple weeks time when it is removed it will take away all of the damaged cells leaving healthier ones behind."

"What did you burn your hand on?"

"Iceis was burning up, so her hair."

"Da*m, that must have hurt!"

"Could have been worse."

"Zander,the only reason it didn't hurt was because it burned all of your nerves from your hand."

*Lilly looked wide eyed at us.*

"Well,you two can talk,but I have something I have to do."

"What would that be?"

"None of your business,not yet anyway."

*I flashed my eyes fusia then let them return back to their normal color. I turned invisible then walked away. I walked over to a cliff edge and jumped over not bothering to open my wings. I fell down to the area I wanted to decend too and it was three feet to hitting the bottom. I angled myself into the mountain and hooked my claws on and crawled down to a small hole barley enough room to squeeze through for even me. I clawed around the entrance which was two feet by three I clawed around it widening it enough so only a lean figure could fit through about human sized. My nails were getting filed down and I had to stop five feet into my dig and I climbed back up from the caver right as the sun broke I broke from the cavern abyss. It hurt my eyes and skin as the sun shone on me. I closed my eyes to block the sun it hurt too much even with the pale morning sun. I flapped my wings as I flew blindly into a building I heard something break meaning it was glass shattering. My skin felt like it was burning as I covered my body up with my wings which shielded it,only to have the feathers start to burn. I squinted and crawled over to a dark area where the sun couldn't hit and started to salivate and putting the sticky goo on then freezing it over along my body. I encased myself in it and due to all of my wings burning I couldn't use them for awhile. My body wasn't burned quite as bad,but my eyes it hurt a lot to try and open them. I started to lick my hands and I opened my eyes up no matter how much it hurt. I applied the sticky goo on and focused my frost onto the surface of my eye causing everything to turn blue from the goo and frost. I looked around and it hurt to blink,so I didn't the goo would keep my eyes moist. I saw some kids running my way as I sat surrounded by glass. The seniors in the school stood looking at me then realized I had wings. They started to murmur something then they sent the oldest looking senior over to me.*

"Are you ok?"


"You aren't by any chance the dragon everybody is talking about are you?"


"The one that goes by Iceis."

"Then,yes I am."

"Were you just learning to fly or something?"

"No,I still am,but I normally can avoided windows,but seeing as I got blinded I was flying blind."

*I stood up and pricked my feathers around my bust and abdomen releasing heat as well as glass shards then laid them flat in place again.*

"What exactly is on part of your body,your wings and eyes?"

"Special saliva mixed with frost."

"Why is that on your body?"

"Helps to heal injuries,I would think seniors would knows this simple little thing,even Zander does and he is a D.H.C"

*I walked away on that note. Somehow I had gotten lost so I went over too a bench and laid down in the hallways falling asleep. I was woken up by some poking and a not too pleased Zander.*

"What did you do to yourself?"

"I have no idea,one minute I can stand the sun the next it is burning the sh*t out if me!"

"You really are a lost cause aren't you? Ok,then what did you do to your talons?"

"Filed them down a bit on some rock."

"Why would you do that?"

"Dragons habits."

"Anyway we have a few lessons today on dragon autonomy."

"Yay me,I get to learn a topic I don't need to know."

"Just shush and come along miss Heart won't be happy if we don't make it in time,we already missed one day of class she won't be happy if we miss another."

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