Start from the beginning

Reverse Vampires

These extremely rare beings feed off of the blood of plants aka chlorophyll instead of human or animal blood.  Sunlight increases their powers which are stronger than the average vampire by day (depending on intensity of the sun) and weaker than the average vampires by night.  They have no other weaknesses and can only be killed by beheading or complete incineration.  Legend has it that an ancient vampire was enchanted by a wizard of Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II.  The vampire fell in love with a fair royal lass who spurned his advances due to his blood lust.  He asked the wizard to remove the desire for blood yet at the same time keep his powers.  The wizard did so but the vampire not sickened by blood grew ever weaker.  Finally one night in the Hanging Gardens Of Babylon he became fixated on a mystical giant Venus flytrap type plant enchanted by the wizard as well from an earlier experiment.  The vampire bit into it and began drinking the chlorophyll which tasted like sweet sugar to him.  He soon gained his strength back and was able to walk in the sunlight but unfortunately he didn't realize his power was now linked to that plants chlorophyll and once it wore off he burst into flames and died. 

However the plant became the only plant on Earth to be "brought across" by a vampire.  It became a vampire plant and whenever someone happened past it they were attacked by it.  Before the plant was cast out into the nearby swamp it brought across a handful of people who became Reverse Vampires.   Since they can't bring transform anyone into a vampire their number are few.  The worlds only vampire plant was washed down river and eventually embedded itself in the soil along the bank.   It transformed a rare few who happened across it over the centuries and some say the worlds only immortal plant still exists somewhere in modern day Iraq.

Witches, Warlocks, Wizards, Sorcerers, And Magicians

Humans or other beings who access the powers of pure thought in the supernatural world of magic through spells and potions.  This magic can be of good or evil.  Their levels of power varying greatly depending on their knowledge and skill.  Some attain enough power to go up against demons and even angels although angels are generally protected by God.   Some carry magic blood within them that is passed from generation to generation and have limited natural powers which they generally enhance with knowledge of witchcraft and other magical arts.  These people originate from ancient humans who were the first to access the world of supernatural magic.  Their power was so great that it was literally imbued into their genetic code.  Although the humanity is always dominant so they are not immortal and they have no super physical abilities unless they cast a spell upon themselves which takes a high level of expertise.   However a rare few have used magic to achieve immortality.


Some who die with a super strong consciousness or an overly horrific life trauma will actually break away from their infinite afterlife spirit containing the infinite memories of their infinite parallel lives.  They will then haunt the places they died in, people who have effected them in life, or the place a trauma took place in either with full knowledge of what they're doing or in a haze that seems like a dream for them.  The strong willed immediately realize they can materialize into the physical world and become Travelers while others may choose to re-join their original soul and enter the afterlife of Godhood.  The weak willed need to play out their issues in their haunting or be helped out by a human, supernatural being, Angel, etc in order to move on to the afterlife.  Malicious spirits are eventually dealt with in a far less caring manner.

A number of ghosts are also simply mischievous demons. In addition a small amount are beings phasing into our reality from parallel Universes through some powerful thought process, mental projections of a powerful psychic, and various temporal anomalies.

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