A Terrifying Day

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(Alice's POV)

My eyes slowly opened with the realization this is the day I am going to see an actual execution. I force myself to get out of bed noticing a beautiful blue silk dress with hints of gold flecks throughout laying on the table. A note placed on top reads:

Your clothing for the day, selected of course by King James himself. You are to join the King for breakfast immediately after dressing.


I sighed before quickly changing into the dress. I pass through the kitchen ignoring the looks everyone was giving me and continued along the hallway. Stopping stopping at the Kings chambers door I pull in a deep breath before knocking. "Enter." I hear his voice easily through the thick door. I slowly opened the door, King James stands dressed completely in black, his eyes widen slightly as they take in my appearance. A smile creases his face.

"My love you look beautiful." He walked over and wrapped his arms around me, placing a kiss on my forehead. I hate it when he holds me in his arms. "You are absolutely breathtaking." He whispered in my ear.

"Why did you want me to wear this to an execution?"

He smirked. "You will see very soon my beauty." he chuckles as he leads me to the table. We ate in silence.

With my hand encased in his, King James escorts me to the front doors of the castle, looking out at what must be thousands of people gathered. The king stops momentarily to view the scene before leading me to an area which appears to have an excellent view for the execution. A large single chair awaits us as we climb the stairs. The King seats himself and pointing at a spot beside his chair I dutifully move to stand at his side. Looking forward I see a strong sturdy looking post in the area directly before us. I shudder as I wonder what will happen at that post. From the crowd of people I can see Dorothy, Lori, Ricky, Mandy and Joe. At least they are safe my mind chillingly tells me. I wonder who is not safe though.

A powerful voice rings out as silence falls over the crowd. The voice rolls over top of the waiting crowd much like thunder over the countryside. "Today we will witness what happens to those that dare to displease his majesty so greatly. Let it be a lesson for all."

I watch in complete disbelief as two castle guards drag a small weak looking young man to the post. Staring I can hardly believe what my eyes see as the guards fasten his shaking body to the post. The voice continues to drift out over the crowd.

"His crime is unspeakable, unthinkable. He is guilty of something so horrendous the only sentence there can be is death." The King nods as the crowd peers upwards at him. "This man is guilty of causing pain to the one true love of our King. He dared to put his hands upon her and cause her pain. Such disrespect cannot go unpunished. It cannot be forgiven. It must be dealt with swiftly and surely."

A ripple of agreement moves through the crowd, the faces showing a range of emotions, some nodding in agreement, others showing signs of disbelief that someone would dare to disrespect the king, and others just showing shock, perhaps because they were not aware of any royal romance. "Should the punishment be a simple whipping?" The noise in the crowd silenced as the voice continues. "Would that be enough? No, he has shown too much disrespect for the king for that to a just punishment. For this crime death is the only answer."

I shuddered, pulling in a sharp breath as I heard the words.

"He will first receive 20 lashes!" The voice cries as a guard steps toward the boy with a heavy leather whip. His arm moving quickly the whip flashing forward to bite into the man's tender flesh. His cries of pain causing some in the crowd to flinch. The air is filled only with the whistle of the whip, the sound of it meeting flesh and the cries of pain that escape the young man bound to the post. The pleasure on the face of the king sickens me. He is enjoying this sight, the sounds. He smirks as he reaches for my hand pulling it to his lips. Causing me to shudder again at his monstrous touch.

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