Mystery Attacker

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(Lori's POV)

"Please My King, I am begging you! She did not say anything about it!" I cried as I was tied down on the torture table, my wrists and ankles held tightly.

"That still does not change the fact that my Alice was touched by another!" The King snarled as the whip in his hand slashed me again. I screamed in pain as red marks began to appear from repeated use of the whip.

"There will be an execution in 3 days time and if you do not tell me what I want to know you will die. To save your miserable life you worthless old cow you will find out who it was that dared to bruise Alice, to whom she spoke. You will tell me the name of this animal and HE will take your place at the execution." He panted, his chest heaving. "If you do not tell me his name, you will die in three days." He sneered, his dark eyes shining brightly as he enjoyed my pain, my fear. "A reminder of my desire that no one speaks to the girl since it seems you cannot follow my orders without some help." His arm lashed out again and again, the pain of the whip filling my body and mind until I could no longer think clearly.

(Alice's POV)

It feels like I have been standing in this small dark space for hours. I am so confused. Does King James have feelings for me? No, he is a heartless monster. He cannot love anything. No it is not possible he can have feelings for me. I must be wrong. I am too confused to think straight.

I jumped when I heard the chamber door open, heavy footsteps walk cross the floor. I heard the hiss of the fire being put out with water and soon no sounds come to me in my small dark space.

Many minutes have passed and still no sounds reach me. Quietly the door to my secret hell opens, the bed chambers was so dark I cannot see anything.

A hand brushed against my throat before slipping down my shoulder, a quick flip of the wrist has me facing the wall. The hand moves to the back of my neck forcing my head away from the open door, pushing on my head making it impossible for me to move, I am pinned helplessly in place. I can see nothing but my ears hear the deep breathing behind me, a hand suddenly roaming over my bottom and between my thighs. The hand on the back of my neck slips around my throat and holds my shoulder, the arm now across my throat pulling me back against a hard chest. Heavy breathing in my ear, lips pressed against my flesh as he continues pulling me backwards further and further, dragging me from my little space. "Stop, please stop, please!" I beg. "Please do not do this to me!" My begging falls on deaf ears, he continues to pull me, now his free hand roams the front of my body causing me pain as he pinches my breasts. I feel myself being turned, something hard against the back of my legs before I feel myself being pushed backwards, falling I scream.

"Shhh!" The voice is barely loud enough to hear. Realizing his legs are pressed firmly against mine holding me in place as my upper body lays on the bed. I can no longer feel his hands but I can hear him as he works at the buckle on his belt.

"Please do not do this to me, please I beg of you." My voice whispers but my body suddenly comes alive on its own as I manage to free my legs from his I cause him pain as my feet connect with his groin. The groan telling me I have hurt him more then I was hoping. Rolling quickly I manage to get myself to the other side of the bed, jumping up I run out the door. My feet carried me quicker then ever down many sets of stairs to my small dark bed chambers, tears run down my cheeks. My mind working as fast as my heart is racing. Who is this mad man? Who could do this to me? The King? Someone else? If someone else, then who would dare to enter the king's chamber and do this. Who would be so bold? The King, it must have been King James. My mind moving at lightning speed with a blur of thoughts, but my ears listening for footsteps that may be coming along the hallway.

A few minutes later the door swings open, I jumped expecting who? King James? Someone else? My attacker? Ricky steps into my chambers, concern showing on his face. "Alice what happened? I saw you in the hall." He kept moving forward, finally he sat down beside me on my bed and hugged me. I cried into his chest. "The king tried to force himself on me!" My mind now certain it must have been the king.

Ricky pulled away from the hug a little and gave me a confused look.
"But that's not possible, I just saw the king coming out of the dungeons."

"B-but then it must have been the boy named Joe!" I sobbed.

"Joe is passed out drunk down at the stables. Follow me I'll show you." Ricky took my hand leading me out of my room and into the hallway. At the very end there was a window, looking out I could see Joe laying in a pile of hay passed out. "See he has been there for an hour now." Ricky said standing beside me

"Then who would have attacked me in the king's chambers? They knew about the little room in the wall where the king locked me."

"The king locked you in a secret room? Why?" Ricky asked looking confused.

"The king locked me in there because I was late bringing his dinner. Actually it was after he saw a bruise on my arm that he locked me in a little room." Ricky looked at me with shock showing on his face. "What is the king going to do when he sees I am no longer in his chambers where he locked me? I have to go back before he gets there!" I said in panic, before Ricky could say anything I ran down the hall and started through the kitchen but ran right into Lori.

"Ow! Alice?"


She looked as if she was startled to see me. "Why are you here? You should be in the king's chambers. He is going there right now!" She cried her voice rising in panic, holding my arm as she pulled me down the hall tword the throne room. Before we reached it the door swung open revealing a furious King James. He said not a word but reaching out with one hand he pushed Lori away from me causing her to fall to the floor. The other hand gripped my arm as he pulled me through the throne room and up the stairs to his bed chambers. In my fear and panic I began to struggle wanting to get away from him. He roughly pushed me in his chambers and banged the door shut behind us. My heart was racing and my whole body was shaking. What is he going to do? He seems ready angry. The king had his back to me, his hands on the door still and his shoulders rising and falling as he breathed heavily.

"I-I am sorry my king, someone let me out of there." I spoke softly as I pointed to the door which still stood open to reveal the small prison cell. "They tried to take me against my will."

The kings head snapped up and he stepped twords me. Fear made me quickly back up flat against the wall behind me. He pulled me to him, his lips crashing down on my own kissing me passionately. My senses spinning as the king caught me completely by surprise. I struggled in his arms trying to break the kiss but he held the back of my head so I could not move. Seconds later he pulled away. Rested his forehead on mine, both of us breathing heavily. His glistening brown eyes stared into mine. "I love you Alice." He whispered.


Anger and jealousy filled me when I saw the kings lips on what rightfully belongs to me. How dare he kiss my Alice, she is mine and mine alone. Hearing the king's voice speak words of love made me quickly and quietly close the door I cracked open to spy on them. I stormed down the hall so I would not lose control and just walk in to the king's chambers to cut his throat open with my dagger and then make sweet love to Alice like I intended to do earlier. I smiled to myself as I remembered the way her body felt undermine. Her soft skin, her pink lips felt like heaven. "Soon I will have Alice all to myself." I think as my mind continues to flood with memories of those stolen moments. I stumbled a little bit going down the stairs, not knowing if it's from the drinking or my lack of attention and not caring either.

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