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"Are you dumb or something?" Marcel asked Edward, poking his head repeatedly with his index finger.

"Stop that," When Marcel did it even harder, Edward smacked him gently, showing his brother he had no time for this bullshit, and Marcel stopped. "He was cold! I gave him my jacket. End of the story."

"I knew we shouldn't have given you the ring, you don't give a fuck about anything." Harry said, rolling his eyes.

"I told you! I forgot it was in my pocket! I couldn't let him freeze out!" Edward said, growling.

"You're annoying." Harry said and Atlas walked in, holding his teddy and going to sit on the couch. The child was bare feet, and even though the floor was cold, no one wanted to tell Atlas to go put on socks. His little feet were just so cute, with his tiny little toes.

"Peanut, hi!" Marcel said, earning a glare from Edward. Peanut was his nickname, Marcel had no personality.

"Hi, daddy!" the child answered Marcel, pouting. "When is uncle Niall coming, i wanna see Abi.."

Niall and Liam had moved out when Atlas was 1 year old, they thought it was time for them to go, since Niall was pregnant. So they found a little flat, and they moved out. Needless to say Louis was completely crushed, he cried for a long ass time, but he needed to let go. Niall and Liam deserved a happy family.

"I think they're coming tomorrow, Abigail was a bit sick for a few days, remember?"

Abigail was Niall and Liam's little girl. She was a brunette with brown-green eyes and she most importantly had Liam wrapped around her finger. She was their princess, just like Atlas was their small prince.

When Atlas nodded, Marcel kissed his forehead and looked into his eyes. "You look wonderful"

"Papa?" Atlas turned his head away, looking over at Harry, who was peacefully watching tv. Marcel mumbled something along the lines of 'you could've said thank you' and chuckled afterwards.

"Hm?" he answered not really listening to his son, but to Gordon Ramsay.

"Why's mummy throwing up? Again?"

"Wait what?" Edward said, getting up and immediately going up the stairs to find his mate, sitting next to the toilet, holding his stomach.

"Louis, what the fuck?"

"Don't." Louis said, holding a hand in front of him. "I swear to god if there's a child in here.." he started, pointing to his belly. "I'm not keeping it."

Shaking his head, Edward closed the door. He knew his brother were going to follow him upstairs. He just needed to have a talk with Louis.

"Listen, baby." he started, running a hand through his long hair. "You don't get to take decisions all by yourself. You know what i mean?"

"Excuse me?" Louis said, whining and holding his stomach. "I don't want it! I have a son already!"

"Plus it might be just a cold! Stop fucking bothering me!" he yelled, pushing Edward away and going downstairs.

Edward then shook his head, grinning. They were going to marry a sassy little omega.

i still love you all ❤️

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