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I could never end this story. Never.
Or maybe, i'll make a sequel. not sure!

"I'm home!" Edward said, grinning at his brother Marcel. "Where's my peanut?" the big alpha asked, looking around to find his son.

"He's with Jimmy!" Marcel answered his brother, it was six in the afternoon and Atlas has been waiting for him for ages, it felt like. "He's been waiting for you"

"I promise i didn't mean to stay late, i just went to the store to buy Cuddles a costume as well. You know how Louis likes it when-"

"When what?" Louis said running downstairs with a messy hair and flushed cheeks.
Seeing Harry just behind him made Edward smirk. He's been eaten out, the alpha knew it. He smelt like arousal.

"When it's all too much, my love" he said, grabbing the omega's hand to pull him closer, and he then put a hand on his empty stomach. "It's so flat.." He misses the time when Louis was pregnant, even though he nearly lost the baby twice (he remembers the time Louis bled when he woke up and he immediately took him to the doctor.) He didn't want to go through this again but fuck, he missed Louis' stomach.

"I miss it" he said quietly, kissing Louis' shoulder.

"Edward don't even start. You know what happened and you know i don't want to go through this again, please."

"Don't be so scared. It'd be alright!"

"Mhm, go fetch your son, i'll go get his costume." Louis said, completely avoiding the conversation. It was over with.

"Yes sir!" Edward said, walking out to go get his son. He didn't want to upset Louis on Halloween. Never.


"Trick or Treat!!!!" Atlas told the neighbour, and the old man chuckled.

"This one really is the cutest." he said, looking into the kid's big green eyes.

Edward and Louis nodded, of course they knew it, their son really was adorable. He was even cuter when he was pouting. Ah, they were all whipped over their own son.

"Please sir!!! Candies!" the small boy whined, clutching his father's hand while holding his pumpkin shaped bag.

When the man chuckled and walked off to get some sweets, Atlas smiled widely and looked up at Edward.

"Daddy Edward! He liked my spiderman costume!" the five year old said, proud of his little costume.

"Yeah i saw baby, are you proud?" he asked his son, with a huge smile on his face. Louis loved that smile.

"Yes" the small boy nodded, thanking the man and running off to fetch other sweets, leaving Edward alone with Jackson and Louis. Harry and Marcel decided they'd rather stay home to give everyone candies.

"So Jack, what's up?" Edward asked the shy teenager. He was thirteen years old now, and Edward realizes time goes by very quickly.

Jack was tall now, he had brown eyes and was quite discreet. The complete opposite of Atlas, really. He was bound to be an omega, Edward thought.

"Eh nothing, the usual you know.."

Edward simply nodded, and Louis grabbed his son's hand. He was so cute, but so hot as the same time. He was going to get fucked tonight, no shame.

"Atlas! Wait for us! We're going home!" Edward yelled, and the small child ran back to them, carrying his bag full of sweets.

"Dah! Look how much i've got!"

They've been out for an hour, and it was starting to get cold outside. Louis really didn't care how much candy his son managed to get. He wanted to come home, but he still smiled softly and acted surprised.

As if Edward read his mind, the alpha gave him is jacket, and Louis took it happily.

And thank god, Louis didn't put his cold, tiny hand in the left pocket.

Theirs // mpreg LouisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant