Chapter 28

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A week after that, Louis and Jackson were in the living room playing a board game when they heard a knock on the door. Marcel heard it but shrugged and looked at his mate.

"I'm not waiting for anyone, I've got no idea who this could be." The alpha told Louis and the omega looked at his son who was standing up.

"I'm gonna get it daddy!" the little boy said. It was true, Jackson was very small for his age, and he had a high pitched voice. No doubt he was gonna be an omega.

When he giggled and ran to the front door, Louis shook his head and looked at his alpha who seemed to have no interest in him.

He whined softly and Marcel raised his head from his book and looked at him worryingly.

"What's going on, dove?" said Marcel.

"Well," Louis started and cleared his throat. "Since Harry is at School for work.." he said. Harry was the director of an Elementary school. "And that Edward is at his Gucci store.. We could've done a few naughty things..?"

Marcel's eyes widened. "with Jackson right there?"

"You know i can be quiet sometimes." he told his mate, blushing. They both knew it wasn't true. While having sex, Louis was the loudest person ever and to be honest, they all fucking liked it.

Suddenly, they saw Jackson come back inside with someone familiar just beside him. And Louis's eyes widened, he couldn't move at all.

"Papa, meet Nick Grim-Gri.." He tried to remember the guy's name but failed and ended up saying only his first name.

The guy smirked and Marcel looked at Louis. When he saw that his mate was very uncomfortable and had watery eyes, he got up and picked Jackson up.

"Who the fuck are you?" Marcel asked, growling at the man standing in front of him. He hated him already.

"Nick Grimshaw, Jackson Tomlinson's father and Louis' ex boyfriend. Famous journalist. Does my name rings any bell?"

Marcel hated him even more after that, so he put his stepson down and looked at Nick, challenging him.

"Why are you here? You were off their lives for eight fucking years. That is unfair. Get out of my house."

"Oh come on, i'm not here to fight or anything. Just want to see my son for a little while. I don't give a shit about your mate."

Louis frowned at that, as much as he hated Nick, hearing that he didn't give a shit about him made him feel sad. He was not confident at all. So he whined a little bit, and Marcel turned around and whispered nice words to his mate.

"Edward will be home soon, don't worry my love"

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