Chapter 33

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Two weeks after that, it was time for a check up at the doctor. Louis was nervous, he hoped his baby was alright. He was pregnant, he was sure of it. And when you're pregnant, what you have to do is to go to the doctor, or at least book an appointment. He didn't want to go, he hated medical stuff, but his protective alphas had begged him to go see the doctor, so here he was, sitting in the waiting room.

Even though he hated hospital, he'd do anything for his alphas, and his baby. Of course.

He was currently sitting on Harry's lap. The alpha's legs were going numb but he didn't dare to say it to Louis, he'd probably break into tears.

"So, Edward you're gonna have to behave." Louis told his mate, giggling. Last time they went shopping, Edward ate his ass in the changing cabins.

"Do not worry Louis, I wont bend you over and take you-"

"Stop it right there!" Louis said, rolling his eyes and leaning down to his Alpha.

It was always like that with Ed. When you told him to do something, he did the exact opposite. Unless it was something related to sex. Then it was an another story.

They were all chuckling when the doctor came in the waiting room, grinning from ear to ear. It was a girl. A tall blonde girl.

"Mister Tomlinson?" she asked with a soft voice and Louis stood up from his Alpha's lap and walked over to her to shake her hand.

"Yes, nice to meet you." He said, grinning.

"Nice to meet you too. My name is Dr. Hemthwood, and i'm going to be monitoring your first pregnancy." She said and Louis nodded, looking over to his mates, telling them to stand up and follow him.

It was starting to get cold outside, and the trees' leaves were starting to fall down. Louis loved rainy and cold days, so he could cuddle up with his mates and feel warm all over. He loved october.

Walking in the doctor's office, he sat down, and his alphas' stayed up.

"So, Louis. How have you been so far?" The doctor said with a sweet voice.

"Good! I'm happy!" Louis said cheerfully. And the doctor nodded and wrote it down.

"Any morning sickness?" She said and Louis shook his head.

"Alright. You may get up and walk over to the weighing machine, Louis."

The omega sighed and got up. Edward smacked his bum and he squealed. He hated when Edward embarrassed him like that.

After being weighed and measured, he laid down on the table and let Doctor Hemthwood put some kind of gel on his tummy.

When he hissed, she looked down at him and bit her lip.

"I forgot to warn you, 's very cold." She told the omega male.

"You've got such a nice baby bump, it's very small and cute." The doctor said, and the alpha approached them, Harry grabbing Louis' hand.

"Just like him, really" said Edward, grinning.

"Ready to see your baby?"

When she saw the four men nod, she started the ultra sound.

Louis stared at the screen, he couldn't see anything clearly, but when the doctor stopped, he managed to see a small blob on the screen.


"Yes Louis, this is your baby. Very healthy baby."

The second she said that, she looked over at them and saw that the short haired one was crying. Louis too.

"So, today being the twenty first, I'd say that your baby's due in may... May twenty second."

That said, she smiled down at the small omega, who was already in tears.

"You are already two months pregnant, congratulations Louis. Now, how about we book the next appointment?"

Once they booked the next appointment, they got out and walked to their car.

"So, wasn't so hard, was it?" Harry told his small mate, still holding his hand.

"No.. Wasn't so hard."

I don't know if you noticed, but i tried to write more convos,
I like it better.
Do you?
Thank you for 21,3k
Stay amazing ❤️

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