Chapter 41

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The drive to the town was very loud. With Niall and Louis in Harry's car, the drive just couldn't be quiet.

"I said i wanted to be a zombie-cowboy this morning! You stole my idea!" Louis told Niall, clearly angry with his bestfriend, and when Louis was angry, he liked putting a soft hand on his stomach, to protect his baby. "Edward! Tell him!"

"Don't bring me in this shitty argument, Louis. You know how it's going to end." Edward said, rolling his eyes. It seemed to be the only thing he could do. His job should be 'professional eye roller'

It was probably going to end with Louis bent over his knee, and just the thought of it made Louis shiver. He hated getting punished by Edward, he was truly mean, it was like he truly hated Louis when he punished him, and that's why he didn't want to be spanked. So instead of whining and complaining until Edward gave up and told Niall it was true, the omega shut his mouth and crossed his arms over his chest.

Harry was thankful Edward had wanted to come, because shopping with two omegas on his own, add in a pregnant one, would be impossible.

"So where are we going?" Edward said, he didn't want to be here, but Marcel promised him a surprise so he came.

"Are you not listening?" Niall told the big Alpha, he was annoyed now. No one understands how important Halloween is for them, and it was seriously getting boring. "We're buying our cos-"

"Hazz, could we buy lip balm?" Louis said beside them and Niall rolled his eyes. "My lips are chapped."

"Of course my love." Harry answered lovingly, a completely different voice than Edward's, that's why the omega liked Harry better. Everyone likes Harry better. He is the better Styles apparently.

No one was listening to Niall, now. It was always all about Louis. Niall wished Liam was here so he could have someone to talk to. So he crossed his arms over his chest and waited for the  car to stop.

When it did stop, the two omegas ran over to the shop and started picking some costumes. Louis immediately chose a cowboy one, yelling that Harry will do his make up so he could look like a zombie, and Edward stayed on his phone the whole time.

He only looked up when Louis squealed and picked up a small outfit for his puppy, Cuddles (bet you forgot about him, no worries i did too) "Edward look it's so cute." Louis told his mate, grinning from ear to ear.

"We already spend enough money on that dog." Edward said, going back on facebook, and Louis groaned.

"The only thing we buy Cuddles is dog food!" The omega whined to Edward's face and it made him clench his jaw.

"Louis," The alpha started, eyes glued on his phone. He is in a bad mood already, Jackson wanted to go over at his bestfriend's tonight and when he told him no, the little shit whined and tried to complain.

When Edward's says no, it's no. And apparently it doesn't work that way with the Tomlinson.

"Listen babe," Edward continued, looking up and trying to sound nice. "I'd spend a million dollars on you, but definitely not on a dog you found in a garden. Our garden."

"But it'd make me happy.." Louis said, pouting and getting on his tip toes to kiss the alpha's cheek.

"Damn, okay. Take whatever you want.." Edward said rolling his eyes, and then he thought that lollipops aren't the only things that Louis' going to suck on tonight. And for the first time in a few years, Edward was excited for Halloween.

Get ready for a huge time skip, i just didn't know what else to write so yeahhhhh 

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