Chapter 22

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Here's a little gift.
Very smol gift,,, just like Louis

"By pregnant.. You mean.. With a baby?" Louis asked. He was very confused, like how was it even possible? His body betrated him once and he cried so much... It couldn't be true. It couldn't be happening.

"Yes Louis, with a ba-" Harry tried to answer, but he was cut off by Louis shaking his head with his arms crossed. Oh, what a nice view.

"No." The omega said bluntly. It wasn't possible. He didn't ask for this, he was still trying to recover from the last events.

"No?" Edward asked cheekily, with a smirk planted on his face. Louis' behaviour was quite funny, he was acting like a child, but it made him melt. Edward loved Louis' childish behaviour. That's what made him fall for him the first time.

He liked it better than the sassy behaviour he was always pulling off, the little shit could be very mean sometimes.

"No, guys it can't be possible.. I'm not even ready to give birth!" He said, tears in his eyes. The poor omega didn't want to be pregnant anymore. "I thought about it a lot and i decided that i don't want a baby anymore.."

And that was true, he wasn't ready and he didn't want a new baby.

For god's sake Louis is innocent !
"You've got nine months to get ready,Louis." Harry told his mate.

"Nine months to get fat more like." Louis mumbled, and Edward smacked his arm gently.

Marcel and Harry looked at Louis and then at each other, their mate was glowing. How could they not have noticed it before?

When the two brothers looked back at Louis, the small omega had his hands on his stomach and he was looking down at it.

"So, what are you going to do?" Marcel asked Louis. Seeing Louis like this made him want to cry. He was mad at himself for fucking Louis so much, now. He felt the need to apologize.

"Did you really think i was going to kill it again?" Louis said, tearing up a bit. And oh,shit they could see anger in Louis' eyes.

"Because i am definitely not killing the fruit of our love, if it's here, it's meant to be here and i'm going to be extra careful about it." Well,no. They were wrong, Louis was happy and all smiles.

"Good. Now let's fuck!" Edward said, with his famous smirk on his face. Everyone rolled his eyes, even Harry. And Harry was a sex addict.

"Edward!" Louis groaned, but when Edward started sucking on his neck, he gave up and let his three mates fuck him on the matress.. Again.

Comments are highly appreciated ❤️

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