Chapter 31

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Rosie's POV:

"WAKE UP." Someone shouted at me. I jumped slightly causing myself to fall out of the bed.

"Louis, turn it off." I groaned.

"Turn what off?"

"The noise. And the light that's shining on my face." I complained.

"That's called a window babe." He smirked.

"Shut up I'm sleeping." Harry mumbled into his pillow.

I groaned and then picked myself up from the floor. I was standing there in my pink cupcake onsie. I giggle at myself and then walked out of the bedroom into the main room.

"Rosie, you need to get all of you stuff packed. The bus is leaving in an hour." Liam told me.

"Ughhhh." I groaned agin and face-planted onto the floor.

Liam looked at me like I was insane, but then left the room.

Not wanting to get up, I crawled back to my bedroom. I noticed Harry was gone. He must have went to get breakfast.

I grabbed a tank top and shorts with my golden sandals and quickly changed, throwing everything else into my suitcase. I grabbed the handle and pulled it off the bed, but then almost fell over because it was so heavy. I put it on the ground and started dragging it towards the hotel room door.

Right when I opened the door though a hand just reached down and grabbed my bag.

I looked up and saw Harry casually strolling towards the elevater with my bag in hand. How did he do that?

Then I saw the elevator doors closing so I did a run and dive into the elevator and I barely made it. I stood up and brushed off the imaginary dust.

Harry was laughing at me and I kind of giggled too.

When we stopped laughing I heard a familiar tune playing throughout the elevator. When I listened a little closer I recognized the song. I slowly turned me head and looked at Harry and he did the same to me.

The elevator dinged right when our part of the song came on.

"THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!" Harry and I sang at the tops of our lungs before laughing so hard we fell onto the floor. Once we both sobered up we stepped out of the elevator and saw all of the people in the lobby. They looked like statues just staring, wide-eyed at us.

"Oh. My. God. It's Harry Styles and Rosie Tomlinson!"

"What the heck? How do you know my name?" I questioned.

"One Direction introduced you at a concert!" All of the girls in the lobby screamed at me, making my ears pound.

"Well, you didn't have to yell." I pouted.

"And actually my name is Ro-" I tried to correct them but I got yanked backwards by Harry. He had a grip on my wrist, pulling my through the maze of hallways, while the crowd of girls followed us.

Of course, right when we turned the corner, I slipped and face-planted.

"ROSIE! GET UP!" Harry yelled at me, but I didn't get up. Can you blame me though? I've been running through a hotel for the past ten minutes. I'm tired.

I guess he realized I wasn't going to get up, so he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulders.

I looked up and saw that the crowd of girls were much closer now and they were gaining on us.


I think I heard him chuckle at my response. Right after that, he flew down four flights of stairs and my head kept bobbing up and down. It was quite uncomfortable.

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