Chapter 26

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Rosie's POV:

So last night, Eleanor and I stayed up till 1:30 in the morning. Of course our flight back to America, is at 4 in the morning. So now here I am, having Louis yelling at me, at 3 in the morning, telling me to get up.

"Just get up. We have to goooo." He said dragging it out.

I just rolled over and groaned into my pillow.

"Oh my gosh! Fine then! HARRY GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE." He yelled as Harry slowly dragged himself into the room.

"What do you want?" He groaned.

"I need you to get Rosie and take her out to the car since she is refusing to get up. I need to get her bags." Lou said.

I heard some stomping and then, who im guessing was Harry, picked me up bridal style.

He carried me downstairs and outside. He opened the van door and thats when i decided to open one eye. In the very back row, was El, Dani, and Perrie. El was snoring on Dani's shoulder, while Dani and Perrie were just looking around. I guess the were still half asleep.

Zayn and Niall were sittin in the middle row and liam was in the driver seat. Harry put me down next to perrie and i immediately laid my head on her shoulder. She just chuckle and patted my head. Harry got into the middle row next to Niall and Louis went and sat in the passenger seat.

"To the airport we go!" Louis said while pointing to the road. Liam just chuckled and pulled out of the driveway.


"Oh my gosh! Let go of me! Why did you put me on a leash?!" I screamed.

He just chuckled while holding the end of the leash. "I didnt want you to get lost again." Yes you heard me right. He took me to an airport store, bought one of those child leashes and put it on me.

"Im almost 16 Harry! Im not four! This is just rude." I said as i launched myself towards a McDonalds. I was able to yank the leash from his grip, and now im free.

"Im free!!!" I danced around.

"Oh no! Watch out! Turn around Rose!" Eleanor shouted while all the others stared in shock.

"What? Wht are you talking-" i started as i turned around. When i saw the giant mob of people running straight at me, I was cut off.

Once the crowd reached me, i was completely surrounded. Most normal circumtances i would fight back but this was a crowd of over 100 people so i have a feeling i cant win this.

I just started screaming for help but, my screams were drowned out by all the people. All i could hear were screams of fangirls, and the continual questions being fired at me by news reporters.

I tried to run but someone stepped on my leash and i fell to the ground. People started stepping on me so i covered my head with my hands and tucked in my knees.

"Rosie! Rosie! Hold on baby girl im coming!" I heard a familar voice shout. After another minute or so a large hand was placed on my back and the person picked me up. When i looked i saw that Harry had me safely in his arms.

He made his way through the crowd while i plugged my ears and buried my head in his chest. When he managed to break through the whole crowd i opened my eyes and saw the girls and guys around me. They were grabbing at my arms and legs and carefully scanning them.

I pushed myself out of Harry's arms and stood up.

"Im fine guys ok? I can handle a few bruises. Ive had much worse." I mumbled the last part hoping no one would hear but of course Harry heard. Just my luck. He just gave me a sad look. But i didnt want his pity. "Apparently I do need a leash" I giggled.

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