Chapter 37

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(Just to let everyone know, I will be switching POV's a few times. It will only be with Rosie and one other character but it will go back and forth between them).

Rosie's POV:

You have got to be kidding me. There is no way he's serious, right?

"You're kidding, right?" I laughed to myself. Kendall glared at me and everyone else's mouths fell open.

"Rosie!" Liam hissed at me.

"Would you excuse me for a moment." Harry said to Kendall as he walked towards me. Oh man. I'm dead.

Harry grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the bedroom, then into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Harry, is this really necessary?" I asked as he made me get into the shower and he got in to, then he closed the door.

"Yes, why are you being so rude to Kendall?"

"Well-" I started.

"You don't even know her."


"I like her so you should be happy for me."


"I'm sorry for keeping our relationship a secret but I did it because I was afraid this would happen."

"Look-" I tried to say but he cut me off again.

"Just be nice to her. Stop being so rude before you even know her."

"HARRY. JUST LISTEN TO ME." I finally shouted.

"No, I said what needed to be said and that is it. Nothing else." He finished. He got up and left the room, leaving me to sit in the shower.

All I wanted to do was protect him. He wouldn't even let me explain. He didn't even give me a chance.

Louis' POV:

"You're kidding, right?" Rose laughed. Everyone's mouth kind of dropped, including mine. Since when is Rosie so rude?

"Rosie!" Liam hissed at her.

"Would you excuse me for a moment." Harry said to Kendall. He walked over towards Rosie and I think she realized he was coming for her because her eyes bulged out of her head. Harry grabbed her wrist and then he dragged her into the bedroom, where they disappeared.

Harry, the boyfriend of Kendall, just disappeared. That kind of puts an awkward layer into the atmosphere. Then he took the Rosie, the loudest of us all, away. Yes, I used to be the loudest but I think I lost my title.

Now, everyone is just kind of standing around and staring at eachother. Well, I don't think Kendall knows us yet so I guess we can introduce ourselves.

"Okay, well, I'm Louis. Nice to meet you Kendall." I stepped forward and introduced myself. She grabbed my hand to shake it and I noticed her hands were really cold. That's weird since it's summer. I also noticed that her eyes weren't very bright. Kind of a grayish color.

Personally, I find this weird. She doesn't seem like the type of girl Harry would go for. He likes a girl with pretty eyes, a gorgeous smile, and someone who is really outgoing. Her eyes aren't all that pretty (im sorry just go with it), she hasn't smiled one time since she' been here, and she hasn't said a word. That doesn't seem like Harry's girl.

Also, why was Rosie so rude to Kendall? I know Rosie, and I know she wouldn't judge someone before even getting to know them.

So now, I have two different thoughts in my mind that are making this relationship seem like there is something off about it.

Rosie's POV:

I honestly don't know what to do. Harry likes this girl, but she's cheating on him. If I don't tell him he will get hurt. If I do tell him he will get hurt. Either way it will hurt and I don't know which one is the right one.

I've probably been sitting in this shower for twenty minutes. When Harry left, I didn't really know where to go or what to do so I just stayed where I was and I haven't moved.

"Come in." I said when someone knocked on the door. I couldn't really tell who it is through the shower door.

"Can we talk for a minute?" I heard Louis' voice ask.


After my response, he opened the shower door and sat down next to me.

"My first question is; why are you sitting in the bottom of a shower?" He chuckled.

I smiled a bit at his question and then answered him. "I don't really know. This is where Harry dragged me to when he wanted to talk. I just haven't moved yet."  I giggled.

"Okay, well my second question is; what the heck happened out there?" Louis said with a straight face. I just looked down and hung my head.

"I know you. I know that you had a reason for treating Kendall the way you did." My face contorted with disgust when I heard her name.

"Well, you obviously don't like her. Are you jealous of her or something?" And at those words, I choked on air. I didn't even have anything in my mouth and I started choking.

"I am most definitely NOT jealous of Kendall." I stated putting emphasis on the 'not'.

Louis looked at me expectantly. I huffed. "I tried to explain it to Harry, but he wouldn't even let me speak. He just came in, yelled at me, then left."

"But I'm not Harry, I will listen." Louis said sympathetically.

I pondered it for a moment, then decided it wouldn't hurt to tell someone.

"Well you remember when I told about how Austin cheated on me?" Louis nodded his head.

"Okay, well basically, Kendall is the girl Austin was cheating on me with." Louis' jaw dropped and his face started to turn red.

"Also, since Austin cheated on my a few nights ago, that means Kendall cheated on Harry, since they have been dating for a month." Now Louis kind of looks like he stuck his face on a burning stove because it is so red. I'm beginning to think it would have been smarter not to tell him.

"I wanted to tell Harry, because you guys are like my brothers and I couldn't stand the fact that she was being so horrible to him but he wouldn't even give me a chance." Louis pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back.

"Don't worry about him. You only tried to help him and he was being rude. Let him find out on his own and then you can talk to him about everything." He advised. I quietly agreed and just stayed in the same position.

"Thanks for helping me Louis." I mumbled into his shirt.

"Sure." He said, pulling me closer.

"Not just with this, but with everything. You guys saved me."

He smiled down at me and I smiled back.

"Anything for you, princess."

"I love you, Lou." I whispered to him.

"I love you too Rosie."

Okay guys, I have been reading the Divergent series and I am almost finished with Allegiant and I got to a part (I don't want to spoil for people who haven't read it) and I absolutely started bawling. It made me cry so much.

Also, there's this game called Flappy Bird. It is so stupid, but it's so addicting. My high score is 22.

If you have read the Divergent series, please message me. I need someone I can talk to about this book.

If you play Flappy Bird, message me and tell me what you think or what your high score is.

ALSO, WE GOT 300 VOTES. Yes I did say we, because it was you guys who got us here and we are in it together! So please share this story with others and lets get it even more votes! Love you guys!

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