Chapter 28

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Rosie's POV:

When i woke up, i was lying on a bed next to Harry, while his arms were wrapped around my waist and his head was laying on my shoulder. Hes such a cuddler.

I tried to peel his arms off me but that just made him squeeze even harder. I lifted my head up and then saw that we were in a hotel. They must have moved us in here last night. I guess i was still asleep.

On the other side of the room was a bed. I saw Louis and Eleanor snuggled up on the bed. Aww. Then i saw everyone else scattered around on the floor.

They are really cute, but if i dont get out of Harry's grip he is going to freaking suffocate me! I picked up a pillow and launched it at Louis' head. He immediately shot up, but then he fell off the bed.

He stood up and got in a fighting stanse while holding a shoe. "What's happening?!"

"Shhh!" I said and he turned and looked at me. Everyone else in the room is now starting to stir and move now.

"Whats going on?" Eleanor asked while everyone else got up from the floor.

"Someone save me. Im going to suffocate!" I whined.

"Calm down. I will save you!" Louis said as he walked over. He grabbed both of Harry's hands and started pulling them apart and away from my stomach but they wouldnt budge. "Harrehhhh. Let Rosie go! I will snuggle with youuu."

Harry just waved him off and pulled me closer.

"Alright I have a plan. Perrie, Dani, and El, pull on Harry's hands and all of us will pull Rosie's feet." Liam said.

The girls came over and stood right on the edge of the bed and the boys went to the end of the bed where my feet were.

"1....2.....3! Pull!" Zayn said.

I was slowly slipping from Harry's grip, but not fast enough.

"Jeeze Harry! Let her go!" Louis said while they were using all their strength to pull. All of a sudden Harry let go causing all the other boys to go flying backwards into the wall, taking me with them.Fortunately Harry grabbed my arm before i was dragged off the bed. We both peeked iver the edge of the bed and saw all the boys piled up against the wall, groaning.

Harry and I both started cracking up while the boys were mumbling curse words in our direction. Even the girls were laughing.

The boys slowly ot off the floor while i walked out of the bedroom and into a front room. It was really nice for a hotel. There was a large tv and a couch on the left side of the room and on the right was a kitchen and a door that im guessing is the door out to the hallway.

I walked into the kitchen and slowly opened the fridge, scannig all the items in it, when i heard a voice behind me.

"Hey Rosie."

The noise scared me so much that i jumped and hit my head on the handle to the freezer. Then i swung my arm causing the glass bottle of orange juice to fly out and shatter on the ground, causing me to completely slip and wipeout.

Now im sitting on broken glass, in a puddle of orange juice. And we cant forget that now im covered in orange juice so im all sticky now too. I slowly lift my head up and see Austin standing there with his mouth open wide.

"Im so sorry i didnt mean to scare you." He said while puting both his hands out and grabbing mine as he pulled me up. I could see him trying extremely hard to not laugh.

"Are you okay Rosie?" He asked.

"Yeah" I laughed. "I didnt know you were staying here."

"Oh yeah. Management figured it would be easier to have us all just stay in one small hotel room. " he said.

"But why didnt i see you when i was in the bedroom then?" I asked.

He chuckled. "I was on the otherside of Louis and El's bed."

"Oh okay."

"Wait Rosie you are bleeding." He said while looking down at my leg.

"Here come sit at the table and i will clean it up for you." He said. He left the room for a moment and then came back with peroxide. I made sure to not even look down at my leg because i dont do well with blood.

"Hey what happened? We heard a crash?" Harry stated as he and the others left the bedroom and joined us in the kitchen.

"I accidently scared Rosie so she hit her head then knocked over then orange juice which shattered on the floor then she slipped and fell ad cut her leg." He huffed.

Harry chuckled and mumbled, "typical Rosie."

"THIS IS WHY YOU AREN'T ALLOWED IN THE KITCHEN" I heard one of the boys yell but couldn't decipher which.

"Okay so this is probably going to burn Rosie..." Austin trailed off.

"Just get it done." I said as i clamped down my teeth. He poured some of the peroxide on the cut and immediately my mouth flew open, but before i could scream, Louis, Harry, and El all slammed their hands over my mouth.

"There all done." He said as he patted the cut on my leg dry.

"Dont forget we are going dress shopping Rosie!" Danielle called as they all left the room.

"Well i guess im going to go shower..." I laughed. I turned and started to walk away but Austin grabbed my wrist.

I turned around and he looked kind of nervous. "About the ball.....i was kind of hoping, that maybe you would like to go with me?" He stuttered out.

A smile slowly creeped its way onto my lips. I probably looked like some creeper. "Of course." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "See you later." I said as i headed for the bathroom to take my shower.
"Danielle! Perrie! Eleanor!" I kept shouting their name until i found them all crowded around a rack of dresses.

"Hey did you guys find anything?" I asked. They all had a couple dresses in their arms and they each handed me a few dresses as well. Then we headed off to the dressig rooms, our arms full of dresses.

We spent at least 2 hours in those changing rooms. Taking dressing off and putting new ones on. But i finally found the one that i really liked. I felt like it was the perfect one for me. It was a light pinkish color and went well with my skin tone. (Rosie's dress: )

I walked out of the changing room in my dress and saw all the other girls standing out there as well. They all looked drop dead gorgeous.

Eleanor was wearing a red dress. (El's dress: )

Danielle was wearing a blue dress. (Dani's dress: )

And lastly, Perrie was wearing a pink dress as well, but our dresses were two different shades. Her dress was much more pink than mine. (Perrie's dress: )

We all gasped at eachother and then smiled and started complimenting eachother. Then a worker lady came over and asked if we needed any help.

We all laughed before saying we wanted to pay for these dresses. We all quickly changed back into our clothes and paid for the dresses. When we got back to the hotel the boys kept trying to look at our dresses but we his them so they wouldnt be able to see them until later when we leave for the ball. Then Eleanor rushed me into a room and said that its time to get ready.


Hey guys! Im so sorry that it took me so long to update. I just wasnt feeling it.

Anyways, i put the links to their dresses in the story. Hopefully they will work. If they dont please let me know! Loveyou all!

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