Chapter 9

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Rosie's point of view:

When we arrive at the mall we were not so lucky and got a parking spot at the very end of the lot. All the boys pull hoodies out from under the seats and slip them on and pull up the hoods I'ver the hats I gave them. Then for the final touch they put on fake moustaches. Wait a sec. Moustaches? Could they be more obvious? I guess if you can't fight it you might as well join it.

"I want a moustache toooooo!" I whined loudly as they stepped out of the car.

"Here" zayn handed my your average, curly moustache that was black. Awesome.

"Thanks zaynie! I love you!" I ran towards him and jumped on his back. Surprisingly he caught me and also surprisingly, he let me stay there.

"What about me?" Harry used his puppy face and looked at zayn. Zayn was about to give in when I quickly interrupted him by saying, "oh stop whining Hazza. You'll get your turn." I stuck my tounge out at him and he stuck his back.

"You guys are sooooo mature." Liam said. You could hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Very!" I laughed after I said this because I know I was annoying him.

When we got inside Zayn put me back down on the ground.

"So where shall we head to first peasants?" They just laughed at me.

"Jack Wills! Jack Wills! Jack Wills! Jack Wills! Jack Wills!" Harry and Louis chanted over and over again. I swear they are 5 year olds trapped in a young adults body.

"Harold! Shush! People are staring! And I'm pretty sure you don't want to attract attention to yourself." I whisper shouted. Tons of people had started staring at them. I had to do something.

"Sorry mum." Harry muttered back. I would slap that boy silly right now if I wasn't in a public mall.

"Oh yeah. And there's no Jack Wills. You're in America. Not England." Harry and Louis just starting pouting and looked like they were about to cry.

"Ooooh! Hollister! Come with me little children!" I started running towards Hollister but had to stop and wait for them to catch up.

"But we are older than you. How can you call us little children?" Niall. Oh Niall. You have a lot to learn. You don't question me. It's a no-no.

"Niall, Niall, Niall. You have a lot to learn. One is that you don't question my awesome magical powers. It's just how I roll. Go wit da flo." By now I was cracking up. I couldn't contain the laughter. Plus, i have a contagious laugh so that means if I laugh, you laugh too.

I went into Hollister and tried on tons of clothes. I took a pile over to the counter. It was stuff I really liked. When I went to pull out my money from my wallet, I realized that I'm out.

"Oh dang. Sorry miss. I'm just going to put everything back." I explained to the register lady.

"Pshh! Nonsense!" Louis said slamming down $200 on the counter top.

"You cant pay Lou. This is my stuff and that's way too much money for you to pay."

"Oh please." He said while watching the lady put my new clothes into a bag.

"Thanks Lou." I said giving him a side hug. Love you lots." He just smirked at me then grabbed my bag and the change leftover.  

We walked out of the store and started walking through the mall.

"I'm hungryyyyyyyy!" I shouted at the boys.  They flinched back at my loudness.

"You remind me so much of Louis and Niall both. It's like you are a mixture of them both." Liam said. Then realization hit him and his face went pale. "Oh god. Not another one!" When he said that I started cracking up. Louis had to hold one of my arms just to keep my up on two legs.

"Welcome to the family Rosie!" Louis smiled down at me. That moment right there truly made me feel like I had a family. The five brothers I never had but always wanted.

"I love you guys." I smiled at all of them as my eyes got watery.

There was a chorus of "aww's" and then they all came in for a group hug. Me being the average height girl had to look up to see all their faces. I saw a tear trickle from Harry's eye.

"Oh suck it up Harry! Be a man!" I shouted at him. He looked at me shocked while the other boys just started laughing.

"Hey guys? You know how I said I was hungry earlier? Well I meant it. I'm hungry."  They just laughed harder. What? All I did was say I'm hungry.

"Take me to get food you weirdos!" They keep laughing! What did I do?! "Stop laughing!" I yelled an glared at them.

When they finally sobered up, Harry said, "I will go take her to get a sundae."

"YYYYYEEEEESSSSS!!!!!" I shouted and did some funny little dance.  Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me to the escalator. He went towards the one that goes up but I said "hazza! Live a little. You have to go up the down escalator!" He smiled mischeiviously at me and followed me to the down escalator.

"Race ya?" He asked me.

"Let's blow this Popsicle stand." I said.

"Ready.....set....go!" He yelled and I shot up the escalator. I do this all the time so it was pretty easy I ran up the escalator dodging each person on it. I reached the top before Harry and shouted "winner , winner, chicken dinner!" When I looked down though, Harry was only half way up the escalator and had knocked down half the people he had passed. By the time he reached the top I was cracking up. I have been laughing a lot lately. A whole lot.

Harry took me over and bought me a large sundae. Just looking at it made my mouth water. We walked around for a little bit just talking. All of a sudden we heard tons of girls screaming and the ground started shaking and when we turned around I froze in my tracks. Liam, Louis, zayn, and Niall were running towards us with a ton of girls following behind. Harry tried to pull me but couldn't. Louis was ahead of the rest of the boys and reached me first. " Rosie we have to go!" He shouted over the fangirls' screaming. I still didnt move so he knocked my sundae out of my hand. I immediately unfroze and ran forward screaming "my ice cream!" But Louis and Harry both latched onto my arm. "Rosie c'mon! We are gonna get ran over!" Harry shouted at me.

"Not until I get my ice cream!" I shouted back. I kept trying to run towards it so I could get it but they were too strong. I felt two arms wrap around my waist and lift me onto their shoulder. I looked down and saw the striped shirt. "Louis! How could you! My ice cream is now going to suffer because you wouldn't let me get it!" I was practically crying. "We will get you new ice cream!" Zayn shouted. I suddenly perked up and came out of my "ice cream trance" and saw that the crowd of fangirls was only a few feet away.

"Holy fudge! Run carrot boy run!" I yelled at Louis since he was the one carrying me. He ran through the door and then we were in the parking lot. It probably took five minutes to run to their car because it was so far away. When we got there Zayn Harry and Niall jumped in the back seat. Louis threw me in and jumped into the driver seat while Liam got the passenger seat. Then I looked back at the position I was in. My head was laying on Zayn's lap while I was laying on Harry and my feet were on Niall.

"Hey there Zaynie. How you doin?" I asked him while crossing my arms. Then "BAM" out of nowhere fangirls were surrounding  the car.

"Drive carrot boy!" I shouted at Louis. He slowly started to drive but the girls were easily gaining since Louis was driving like a grandma.

"Grandma pick up the pace a little!" I shouted at Louis. He looked in the mirror and saw the girls behind us. All of a sudden Louis slammed on the gas and we were going 80mph.

"Ahh! Oh my god Louis, I didn't mean that fast! None of us are buckled!" I shouted at him but he didnt listen. All the other boys buckled up.

"What about me?!" I looked at them and they looked at me. Then, in sync, Zayn grabbed my head, Harry grabbed my hips(of course, the perverted one grabs there) and Niall grabbed my legs. They all pulled me closer to them and firmly held me there. What an awkward position to be in.

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