Chapter 42(fixed)

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*If you have already read this, please reread because I majorly messed it up so I needed to redo a portion of it*

Rosie's POV:

I stared out the window as Eleanor drove us back towards our hotel. Apparently we were moved to a new hotel the we will stay at longer since the boys have some time off.

Anyways, we just left the hospital. We decided it would be better to wait until morning to go. I ended up coming with El, Dani, and Perrie in one car. I guess the boys figured something else out.

I don't really remember much of the accident. I remember everything before tanning on the boat. I remember when the storm started to come, but then it goes blank. The only other thing I remember is the dream of going through the gates and then being pushed back. Next thing I knew, I was waking up in a hospital bed.

The only scars now are the broken arm and leg. I look down to see the long lime green cast that goes from the top of my thigh to the bottom of my foot on my right leg. Then I have a light blue cast on my right arm. Of  course I had to break bones on the right side of my body. That's the side I use for everything. I cant even walk because of the leg casts. Now I have to be pushed around in a wheel chair like an old lady. They gave me crutches but said for me to only use them if necessary.

So those are the only real things I brought back with me. Besides the fact that I still cant speak. At first, I was in denial. I didn't believe that I wouldn't be able to speak again, but every day the hope disintegrates just a little more. Every day there is less and less hope.

I think that everyone else is trying to cheer me up, but it isn't exactly working. Singing was my pride, and now I can't talk, let alone sing.

"We're here Rosie." Dani said from the passenger seat. Perrie had sat in the back with me so she was the one helping me out. When she tried to make me sit in the wheel chair, I waved her off and hobbled over to the crutches. It took a minute to get used to, but I would do anything to keep myself from looking like a little girl getting pushed around in a stroller.

All three girls came and helped me get over to the boys who were standing at the entrance of the hotel. I guess they beat us here.

"Rosie, the doctors said to only use the crutches if necessary. You should be in the wheel chair." Liam said with a disapproving tone.

I just waved him off and everyone laughed.

I huffed and beckoned Perrie over, who was the one with my chair, which caused Liam to smile triumphantly.

Perrie released the chair and everyone started talking to each other as I sat in the chair. The only issue was that when I sat down, the chair started to roll backwards. I couldn't stop it because it was going to end up giving me burns on my hand.

I did my best at a cough. It's kind of difficult since I can't speak, so it sounded like I was choking.  Everyone looked over at me just as I started to roll down the hill, picking up speed.

"Oh shoot! Somebody get her!" Louis shouted, sprinting towards me, with everyone else right behind him.

The hill in the parking lot was apparently very steep because I just kept picking up speed and I ended up going so fast I thought that the wheels were going to fall off.

"Oh my god! Rosie! Watch out for the truck!" Eleanor shouted at me. I turned to my left and saw a giant semi hurdling towards me. At the rate I was going, I was going to end up crashing right into him.

Right as I reached the road I braced for impact, but I never felt anything. There was a loud horn and screeching breaks, then I heard screams and sobs.

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