Chapter 15

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Rose's point of view:

"You're dead meat." I said in a menacing voice. They looked shocked but after a few seconds they shot out of the room. Haha. Now i get the TV all to myself.

I walked into the kitchen and went to grab a can of Pringles, but when I opened te door there was a little, blonde-haired boy sitting on the floor stuffing his mouth with....MY Pringles.

"Oh My God Niall. Those are my Pringles! How could you do this to me?! That's just cruel! Why? Why?! What did I evr do to you?!" I just started throwing one of my famous tantrums. He just stared at me wide-eyed.

"Niall James Horan. I will get you back for this. And you ae going to be buying me more Pringles since you just ate half of my stock!"

"Uh.....okay." Really Niall? That's all you can say? Uh okay?

I grabbed one of the cans that he hadn't eaten and headed towards the living room. That's when I noticed the four heads peeking around the corner from the hallway. Oh well just ignore them.

I plopped down on the couch and grabbed the TV remote. I was about to press the power button when someone grabbed the remote from my hand.

"Hey-Liam why did you take the remote from me?"

"Look Rosalia, we really need to talk to you." Oh god. He used my full name instead of rose or Rosie. This must be serious.

They all sat down on the couch In sync. Harry lifted my legs and sat down then put my legs back down on his lap since there wasnt much room left on the couch.

"Okayyyyy....what about?" I questioned. They all had blank faces ad there was no response to my question. They all looked at eachother. I guess they were deciding who would break the news.

"Well? Spit it out already!" I said.

"Look Rose," Harry grabbed my hand in his. What the heck is going on? "I'm just going to say and get it out." He paused for a few seconds. "We have to leave in 2 days." He stated.

"W-what?" I asked. I could feel the tears brimming my eyes.

"But wait there's more-" Harry tried to finish, but I cut him off.

"How could you guys?" That's when I felt the first tear come down. They just watched me open-mouthed.

I turn around and run to the stairs. I heard them get up and follow me. I can hear them shouting things telling me to wait and that I've got it all wrong. But I don't think so. I heard them perfectly clear.

I ran into my room and shut the door before they could get in. I locked it and slid down the door. I could hear them banging on the door trying to get me to come out and to let them finish the story but I heard everything I needed to hear.

That's when the first sob came out. The boys became silent. I'm guessing they are just sittin and listening but I don't care. They are leaving me. It took a while to sink in but it has definately sunk in.

This is why I don't let people in. It doesn't matter who it is. They always leave. That's why it was a stupid mistake fr me to let these boys in. They are going to leave me just like my parents did. They didnt want me.

And that's exactly the same for these boys. They never wanted to be friends with me. They just saw te opportunity To take advantage o someone. So that's what they did. They took advantage of me. I offered them a place to stay and they took it. They didnt want anything else.

I'm now sobbing so hard my neighbors down the street can probably hear me. I crawled over to my bed and snuggled into the covers but continued my sobbing into my pillow so it would be muffled.

Well I guess I learned my lesson. It took me a while to finally understand it but I completely understand it now.

Don't trust anyone. They will just leave you.


Well. That was quite depressing. What do you think?

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