Chapter 8

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Rose's point of view:

"Stop! Leave me alone!" I shouted at the man following closely behind me. I broke into a sprint, running as fast as I could. I dodged trash cans, and turned corners. I probably ran five blocks before I stopped to catch my breath. But I turned around and the man was right there. He wasn't even panting for breath like I was. He was breathing normally. I stood up straight ready to run again but tripped on a bump in the sidewalk.

"P-please d-don't h-hhhurt m-me." I stuttered out. I was so scared I was about ready to cry. Then he came closer and caressed my cheek. I tried to back away but he gripped tightly onto my arm.

"Aww sweetheart, I would never hurt you..." He said in a sickishly sweet voice, not finishing his sentence. I tried to look at his face but he had a hat pulled low on his head and we were in a dark alley.

"What do you w-want? I asked. My voice croaked at the end. He could tell I was scared because he laughed. I just sat waiting for his answer. Then the answer I was most worried about came.

"You." He said. I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. This just made me completely uncomfortable.

"Why me?" I felt a tear roll down my cheek. But honestly. Why me? There's nothing special about me.

"Well you are my daughter after all." That voice. The same voice I used to love so much before him and my mother left. Wait. Oh my god. This is my dad that I'm so afraid of. I need to get away from him. Now.

"You don't have the right to call me your daughter anymore. You lost that privilege a long time ago." That is the honest truth. He doesn't love me. Now all he wants me for is so he can abuse me. I kneed him right in the spot where the sun don't shine. He groaned and his grip on my arm loosened. Right when I got his hand off I got up to run. I took a few steps but stopped when there was a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I look down and see blood pouring out of the wound. My own "father" just threw a knife at my stomach. And he hit it spot on.


"Ahhhhhh!!!!" I shot my eyes open to see a worried looking Louis standing above me shaking me. He sees the look on my face and jut sits down next to me letting my cry my eyes out onto his shoulders. Once the crying had stopped and I was able to breath again he quietly asked me, "What's wrong Rosie?"

I told him the entire dream. All of it. He just sat and listened to my story without interrupting which is surprising sine he is Louis.

When I looked at my pillow I saw that my head had been resting on an ice pack. I lift my hand to feel the bump on my head but it is mostly gone. There is just a tiny bump left.

On my night stand next to my bed there was a pill and a glass of water with a note stuck to it. It read:


This is for your head. Take it when you get up.


Aww how cute of him. I grab the pill and throw it in my mouth alone with some water to help it go down.

"How about we go shopping?" Louis asked after I swallowed the pill. I smiled up at him and he smiled back. "I would love to Lou."

I order Louis to go downstairs so I can change. He simply smiles and walks out. I walk to my closet and throw on a white Hollister tank top with a green tank top under. Then I grab a pair of Aeropostale short shorts and brown gladiator sandals. I brush on some mascara and brush out my hair. It looks a little funny so I just throw it up into a messy bun.

"Ready boys?" I ask once I get to the bottom of the stairs. They turn towards me and I see their eyes run up and down my body. I start to feel a little self-conscious but the thought is dismissed when they look away and get up from the couch saying "yes" or "yup" or basically any form of the word yes.

We start to walk out the door when Harry says, "Dang Rosie, you look fit." What in the world does he mean? Is it some weird type of British slang or something?

"Umm..thanks?" It comes out as a question since I really didnt know what he meant. He just nods. I hand each of them a hat and sunglasses to put on since I don't feel like being mobbed. They put them on and we head out the door. I skip ahead of them and turn left out of the driveway. I continue to skip down the sidewalk.

"Love where are you going?" Liam asks. Dang. His accent is just so awesome. I love British accents they are- off topic.

"Uh, the mall? Where else?" Come on Liam. I know that you are smart. We already discussed that we were going to the mall.

"Yeah but the car is this way love?" He was starting to laugh now and so were the others.

"Car? Oh I always walk. I just assumed-nevermind. Just show me where your stupid car is. " now I'm just embarrassed because they are all laughing at me. Harry is leanin on some junker car.

"How dare you Rosalia, call Betsy stupid. She is NOT stupid." Harry said patting the junker car.

"What the fudge? Why would you name your car Betsy? Out of all the names in the world- scratch that. Why would you name your car in the first place? And a junker car at that." I stated. Who names their cars? Like seriously? Well if I had a car I would name it Marla. That's much better than Betsy. OFF TOPIC!

"Betsy is an awesome name and this is the rental car we are borrowing." He said it like I should have already known this. How am I supposed I know?

I just muttered some things that should not be said as a response. All the boys piled in. Louis driving, Liam got passenger seat, and then zayn Harry and Niall in the back. 

"What about me?" I said standing by the back door. All the cars seats were filled so what do I do?

"Get in and sit on Harry's lap!" Louis commanded while turning on the car.

"What?! No! He's the perverted one!" Harry would just crack jokes the whole way there if I sit on his lap.

"He's not that bad." Louis said while Harry said," I promise I will be good!" Adding his cheeky smile at the end.

"Oh fine. I don't want to hear a peep outta you though, Styles." I said giving him an evil glare. He just nodded as I climbed over Niall and onto Harry's lap. He put his arms around my waist to hold me in place.

There was an awkward silence so I shouted,"awkward silences are only awkward when you make them awkward." They just gave me a confused look and turned on the radio. Guess what song came on? None other than live while we're young by one direction. They exchanged creepy smiles and then started singing. When I say singing though, I mean more like "shouting as loud as they possibly can and I'm surprised my ear drums aren't popped yet" kind of singing.

This is going to be a long car ride.


So i haven't done any dedications so I need some people to dedicate to. I guess I will dedicate to my followers so follow me!

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