Chapter 6

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Hey guys! jut so you know, when i make the different point of views, i will now refer to rosalia as Rose. Her real name will still be Rosalia but since Rose is her nickname and everyone calls her that, im going to put that. Thanks!



Rose's point of view:

Fudge. Fudge! FUDGE! They are going to freaking eat me. Oh no. I'm gonna die. Well, I'm also to young to be eaten. Just the thought of being eaten gives me the heeby-jeebies. 

When I'm at the bottom of the basement steps I turn myself around frantically looking for a place to hide. I'm going to give myself whiplash if I don't stop. Oh wait! The dumb waiter! So stupid! Why didnt I think of that? Oh wait. I did. Nevermind. I run over and climb into the rusty old dumb waiter. It's a tight squeeze but I'm a pretty small girl so I manage to fit.

Right once I close the dumb waiter door, I hear the five pairs o feet now at the bottom of the steps. I hear quiet whispering and then I hear: " Li, you take the area behind us. Zayn you take front. Ni, you take left, haz you take right. I will be supervising." Louis says with extra emphasis on the I. "Hands in boys!" There is a slight pause before Louis shouts, yet again, " BREAK!" 

I hear as all of them head in different directions. Directions. Ha. Ha. Bad joke. Nevermind. Wait who is coming right again? Oh yeah, Harry! Oh wait, Harry. Harry-just about the biggest member of the band. He is sure to find me here. No doubt about it. Why did I hide in such an obvious-

My thoughts suddenly stop when I see 10 fingers slide under the dumb waiter door and grip it tightly. I suck in my breath and stay silent. The door is slowly sliding upwards when all of a sudden it just flies up and I see Harry with an evil grin.

"Hheeellllllllloooooooo..." He said with an evil voice to match the smile. "Nice to see ya again love, although you are probably now going to be eaten." He said with the same smile that has been on his face for the past minute he has been talking. Yep. I knew it. I'm going to be eaten. Like Bad comparison. But you do eat fish so it's not horrible. Off topic. I literally have the attention span of a fly.

"Oh. Well I would love to stay and chat Haz, but I gotta run!" I say as I quickly slip out of the dumb waiter, onto the floor, and under his legs. I laugh as I see him standing in total shock. Then I remember the crisis that I'm in. I turn away from Harry only to see all four of the other boys. They running from all different directions at full speed right towards the bullseye: me.

After realizing that if I stayed there I would be completely run over, I wait till they are each about a foot away from eachother before jumping out of the middle. I watch as they all ram straight into eachother and bonk heads.

"Owwieee" Niall complains. "My head hurts." No way Niall. I would have never guessed. "Thanks Captain Obvious." I say to him. " you're welcome Lieutenant Sarcasm." He shot back with a smile.

As I'm finishing my conversation with Niall I feel two arms wrap around my waist and then lift me up into their shoulder. I look at their head and see spiked black hair. "Niall! You tricked me and let zayn grab me! How could you? I thought we were food buddies! And we could even be leprechaun buddies too! I'm technically half Irish you know...wait off topic. Zayn! Put me down you evil Brit!" I shouted while hanging over Zayn's shoulder and string down at Niall.  "Oh em gee! You're a leprechaun too?! Leprechaun buddies!" Niall looked at me with a smile. "Did you just call me an evil Brit?" Zayn asked as he stopped walking towards the steps.

"Yes Zayn. Yes I did. All Brits are evil. Brits are usually hot and have awesome accents but they are still evil. And no we can't be leprechaun buddies Niall. You tricked me and let zayn get me." I stated with a completely straight face. Zayn started cracking up while practically dropping me in the process, but Niall looked like he was about to cry. "We can't be leprechaun buddies?" He asked with the same sad look. Don't look at the face. Don't look at the face. Don't look at the- too late. Already looked.

"Fine.....on one condition." He started nodding his head in an excited way saying, "anything". "If you save me Niall, then we an be leprechaun buddies." I gave him a pleading look. His grin grew on his face as he said, "to the rescue!" Then he charged at zayn. He knocked zayn down which caused him to drop me. I felt my head hit first. I started to see a bunch of stars flying around my head. I tried to stand up but once I did, I fell down and hit my head again because of the dizziness. I could hear zayn asking me if I was okay and I could hear Niall screaming for Liam Louis and Harry to come quick. I saw everyone huddle over me. That's when I blacked out.


Hey guys! It's maddie. I think that the story is going pretty well, so....yeah. Um...oh yeah! I absolutely love to hear your guys' comments so leave a comment(s) in the thingy majig below. I also love to chat and meet new people so go ahead and message me if you want to. If you have any suggestions for the story I will gladly take them. You can leave them in comments or in message board or some other way. Idc. You pick. Doesn't matter to me. As I you can see I am rambling on so I'm just gonna go know. Love you guys! Vote! Comment! Follow! Whatever else you can do, do that too! Bye!


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