Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Rosie's POV:

"Woahhhh." I dragged out the ending of the word as I stared at the arena in shock. It must be one of the largest things in general that i have ever seen.

"Rosie come on!" I was snapped out of my transe as the group called back to me. They were quite a few yards ahead of me an were about to enter the arena.

I jogged up and tried my best to stay with Eleanor as we entered the building. I didnt exactly want to get lost in here. El and I hooked arms and started laughing and skipping down the hall. It was going fine until me, being my clumsy self, ran straight into someone and fell right on my butt.

When i looked up i saw a young guy looking down at me, and i saw Eleanor off to the side doubled-over in laughter.

"Oh shut up El." I pouted at her and she just laughed harder. I started to pout more when i remembered there was a boy standing right next to me.

I looked back up at him and now he was smirking at me. "Oh um-uh sorry about-uh-ya know. Bumping into you. It was an accident." I stuttered out and he just lightly chuckled.

"No worries." He smiled at me and held out his hand. I immediately grabbed it and he pulled me back up to my feet. I dusted off my shorts and right then is when the rest of our group appearred.

"Oh Rosie i guess you have met Austin." Liam pointed out.

Me and the boy both looked at eachother and smiled. "Not formally but yes i guess so." I lightly laughed.

He stuck out his hand and i grabbed it and shook it. "Well im obviously Austin." He smirked as i raised an eyebrow at him. "Well and im obviously Rosie. Or Rose. But I like Rosalia best. Pretty much anything works." He chuckled at my response and i heard the others join in his laughter.

"Ok well Rosie, Austin is our opening act so he will be touring with us." Liam said.

I felt the corners of my mouth, unintentionally twitching upward. I couldnt help but to smile. "Nice to know..." I trailed off.

Suddenly some man walked up to us. "Austin, you need to go get ready, you will be on soon. That includes you too boys." He said.

I turned back to Austin and frowned. But then he grabbed my hand and geld it near his face. "I will see you soon." He whispered. He then gently kissed my hand and then released it before walking towards his dressing room. I felt the butterflies in my stomach, and i felt my cheeks heat up when i heard all the girls behind me "aww" ing at me.

"Oh shut up." I said as i felt my cheeks grow darker.

They all giggled and Harry ran up to me, bent down a little since im shorter, and he pinched my cheeks.

I swatted his hand away. "Harry! Im almost 16! Not 5!" I said. He laughed and threw me over his shoulder and started walking down one of the hallways.

"Harreh where are you taking me?" I whined as my body hung over his shoulder, swaying back and forth as he stepped.

He opened a door and all the others filed into the room. When harry set me down on my feet, we were in what looked like a dressing room.

All of a sudden te door burst open and in walked a woman. She smiled at the boys and their girlfriends and they all smiled back. Then the woman looked at me and she seemed kind of confused. I could see the curiosity and confusion in her eyes but she made sure that her smile didnt faulter.

"Hi. Im Lou Teasdale. Im the boys' stylist." She smiled.

"Im Rosie. Long story short, they technically adopted me, blah blah blah, and here i am now." I smiled and stuck out my hand. She just knocked my hand away and wrapped me into a big hug. At first i was shocked and i guess the boys could tell because they laughed, but i gently hugged her back. She released my from her hug and smiled at me when a little girl waddled out from behind Lou's leg.

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