Chapter 29

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Rosie's POV:

"Ow. Ow. Ow. OW! Perrie!" I shouted as she kept pulling on my hair. She is curling my hair for the ball, but she keeps pulling on it.

While Perrie was doing my hair, Danielle was doing my make-up and Eleanor was getting together my dress, shoes, and accessories.

"Just hang on a second Rosie. Im almost done." Perrie said.

"Done!" Danielle an Perrie both squealed at the same time. I hopped up from the chair and headed towards the mirror when Eleanor tackled me to the floor.

"Eleanor!" Danielle, Perrie, and I said at the same time.

"You will mess up her hair!"

"And you will ruin her make-up!"

"Why did you tackle me?" I asked Eleanor who was sitting on top of me.

"You have to put your clothes on before you can see!" She said then hauled me over to the bed and handed me my dress.

I quickly changed and slipped on the high-heels. I wobbled out of the bathroom and almost face planted
But Danielle caught me before i could fall.

I stood shocked in front of the mirror. This is a whole new thing for me. I never wear dresses. Ever. I hate high heels. I dont style my hair or put make up on. This is a total opposite of the version of me i am used to.

By the time i turn around all three girls are completely ready. We all smiled at eachother and Eleanor said, "These boys arent even going to know what hit 'em." We giggled as we left the room.

When we got downstairs the boys mouths dropped in shock. They stood there, gaping at us.

Austin walked up to me and kissed my hand. "You look gorgeous." He smiled before taking hold of my hand and leading usto the limo.

Everyone squeezed into the limo and we scream sang to all the songs on the radio.

When the limo pulled up outside a big fancy building, you could immediately hear all the shouts of the screaming fans. Each of the couples got out, with me and Austin as the last, and Niall and Harry after us since they didnt bring dates.

The building was very elegant on the inside. It had a large crystal chandeliar hanging from the ceiling and there were fairy lights strung all over the ballroom. There was a large dance floor in the middle of the room with tables surrounding it.

People flooded into the room and we went to our table. All five boys and three girls were already there. We sat down and ate the steak that was served to us while talking about random stuff and cracking up. It was actually kind of funny when i saw all the people gawking at me when i finished my food. I ate like an animal. I was so sloppy but it was really funny.

The last bite of steak literally fell out of my mouth when i heard her voice on stage. I slowly turned around just to make sure, and i saw her. CHER FREAKING LLOYD WAS ON STAGE. When i saw her i completely flew out of my chair and everyone started laughing. Austin AND Harry both had to come help me get up since im not used to heels and the dress was freaking giant and i kept stepping on it when i tried to get up.

By the time i got up, Cher was singing Want U Back and everyone was on the dance floor.

"Lets go dance!" Austin exclaimed.

"Im a klutz. I cant dance." We both laughed.

"I can help you. Dont worry." So then he dragged me off to the dance floor and we just mixed in with all the other people.

After Cher sang, One Direction got to sing. I made sure to dance extra enthusiastically just for them.

When i went to the table to get a drink someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Hey Rosie, Im Cher." Cher freaking Lloyd said to ME.

"Your-your-cherrr-lloyd." I stuttered.

She laughed. "Yeah i am. Im friends with Austin and he said you are a big fan."

"Oh definitely."

After that i started to be normal around her and we talked for a while. When a slow song came on she said she had to get back to her date so we put our numbers in eachothers phones and then she left and i went over to Austin.

"May i have this dance?" He asked as he bowed over and held out his hand.

I laid my hand on his and curtsied while saying, "Of course."

We moved to the middle of the floor and i wasnt quite as bad at slow dancing as i thought i would be. Im still a horrible dancer, just not as bad as i imagined.

I thanked him for Cher and everything. He smiled in reply and said, "Anything for you."

Our moment was cut short when Harry tapped Austin on the shoulder.

"May I?" Harry asked.

Austin backed away and then Harry and I started to dance.

"How is your night going?" Harry smiled at me.

"Magical." I said sarcastically.

He chuckled. We swayed in a comfortable silence until the song was over. He said he was going to go socialize more and kissed me on the cheek then left.

Austin came back up to me and we talked for a while, but i could tell he was getting nervous. But what for?

"Umm Rosie?"

"Yeah?" I asked back.

"Would you maybe want to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" He asked while playing with his fingers and avoiding eye contact.

I felt my insides flutter and i wanted to just start jumping and screaming for joy.

"I would love too." I smiled. His eyes slowly rose until they met mine. Then a smile formed on his lips.

After that our group came back together and we decided to leave. And i of course made sure to say goodbye to Cher!

The ride back to the hotel was mostly silent, since everyone was tired. I tried to keep my eyes open, but i felt them start to droop and my head rested on Austin's shoulder.
I slowly opened my eyes and saw that someone was carrying me. It was Austin.

"Go back to sleep princess." He whispered. As he followed everyone else into the elevator with me in his eyes. By the time we got to the room and he put me into the bed, i was already into a deep dreamfilled sleep.

Hey guys! Please please please read my new story "Shadow People" . There is only one chapter so far, but i want 5 votes on that story before i will update here. Ily guys! Keep reading! (:

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