Chapter 14

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Rosie's point of view:

Okay. Seriously? I've been sitting here for ten minutes and zayn and Harry are still wrestling. Oh, and don't forget that I'm tied up so I can't go anywhere!

"Die hazza die!"

"No zayn! You die!" Harry shouted back at zayn.

"Jesus! Shut up and someone untie me!" I yelled at both of them. They both stopped then looked at eachother.

Harry shouted "never!" While zayn simply said "okay."

Zayn came towards me but Harry tackled him to the ground. Oh c'mon. Can't a girl get a break here?

And then, just to make things worse, Harry and zayn came over to me and accidently knocked me over. Guess where I am? Right by the stairs.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow" I complained after every step I hit. Once I get to the bottom my head is on the ground and my feet and butt are still on the stairs, so I see everything upside-down.

Wait someone is walking towards me. And guess who it is? I will give you a hint:he's wearing a striped shirt.

"Louis! Come help me!" I screamed at him.

He walked over to me and stood right by my head. "Oh hey there Rosie. How you doing?"

"Pretty good besides the fact I just got pushed down a flight of stairs and hit my head on every step and it doubled the pain since there is still a bump from when I fell on the floor. But other than that, great!" I said sarcastically.

"Oh. Well someone is being sassy today!" And he snapped his fingers right by my face.

" get those filthy things out of my face! An as for my sassiness, it's just my natural born talent." I smirked at him. Beat that sucker.

"Excuse me?! I am the sassmasta from doncastah! You shall not speak to me in such a tone!"

"How dare you! I am the Pringle princess! You shall not speak to me like that again or you will be thrown into my dungeon demon unicorn!" I exclaimed. Sorry but you don't wanna mess with me. I will go all ninja on you!

His eyes widened an he looked straight at me. "Yes princess!" He said and tarted bowing.

"That's right. Bow down to me!" Then I remembered something. "Oh wait. I need you to free me from these demon ropes!"

He walked over to me and picked me up bridal-style. Then he whispered to me:"I'm the one who tied you up! Why would I want to free you?" His breath on my ear sent shivers through me.

He walked through kitchen and stopped for a moment. He grabbed an apple and shoved it in my mouth. Now I look like one of those roasted pigs! Then he walked out of the kitchen into the living room. He was walking right towards-oh great the closet. 

He opened the closet and set me down on the floor. He smirked evilly while I sat there. I tried to protest but I had an apple in my mouth. Then he just shut te door in my face. Now I'm sitting in an old, small, coat closet for who knows how long. And not to mention that its dark.

I took one bite of the apple and then it fell out of my mouth. Great. My hands are tied up so I can't do anything.

"Zayn! Niall! Someone come save me please!"

"Liam! Your the dad! You should notice that a child is missing! Shame on you for not noticing!"

"Louis I hope you realize that this is animal abuse! I hope you rot in prison demon!"

I shouted out all these things but I never got an answer. How rude!

I rolled onto my back and aimed my feet at the door. I kicke really hard but the door didnt open. I kicked it again but still once again, it did not open. I did it a third time and finally the door flew open. I saw five boys standing there looking at me in all. So they knew I was in here?

They are dead meat.


Hey guys! So I did get 30 votes and 2 comments! Yay! Alright so this time I want:

33 votes and 3comments!

It's not that much. You guys can do it.   I made it only 3 votes and 1 comment because its a short chapter. Im sorry. I try my best.

Also, sorry about grammar and stuff. I just write and post. Once i am completely done with the story, i will go back in and fix up the mistakes. Love you guys so much!


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