"How did you make this place?" I say still in awe at this place. Jamie chuckles and places the notebooks on the desk.

"I didn't, Saryia did. We left the United States after we turned into vampires, we went all over Europe and found fortune in the oddest of ways.  After we had acquired some money in Europe we came back on Titanic, and made even more money in stocks after the first world war. Then the Prohibition started and we started bootlegging. We made trillions of dollars, the women of the time saw it as uncivilized and not ladylike. To Mr. Al Capone we were two of the most amazing business women he ever met. It was funny how all of our money over the years was acquired by being criminals isn't it?" 

Jamie's dark blue eyes locked on me quickly. The hunger flashed in her eyes, but it looked like she was fighting a big invisible monster. She grips onto the desk.

"I-I... I think you should... lea--leave now." Jamie's breathing becomes uneven. Quickly I am slammed against the wall, my wrist slammed above my head and Jamie's lips push forcefully into mine. As soon as I realize what is happening I try to push Jamie away from me. I successfully detach my lips from hers.

"Jamie! Stop it!" She tries to pull away from me but for some reason she can't.

"I-I can't!" She struggles out as her free hand travels slowly down my body. I struggle even more and start to budge her off of me.

"Jamie! Think about Marie!" Soon as Marie's name came out my mouth Jamie broke from her spell. Instantly she lets me go and falls back on the floor panting heavily. She pulls her knees into her chest and burst into tears.

"I'm sorry." Is what she keeps saying over and over. I slowly get on my knees and inch to Jamie. I pull her into a hug and she cries into my shoulder.

"It's okay Jamie really. It's not your fault. Help me get out of here, and we can just forget about this okay." Jamie looks up at me and nods, I help her to her feet and she brushes back her dirty blonde hair. She walks over to another bookshelf and takes out a large book and presses a red button. The large bookcase slides and a staircase is behind it.

I know I said we can get over it, but there is no mistake that Saryia felt that. A sting hits our lips anytime we kiss anyone else that isn't eachother on the lips. While thinking about that I follow Jamie up the steps to another door that flies open. We are right next to Saryia's office. Nervously I look around and see no one. Jamie looks at me with a nervous look in her eye too.

"It's okay Jamie, I'll reason with her." She smirks then freezes when she meets someone else's stare.

"I don't think she'll listen." Saryia stands a distance from us, but quickly fills it and jumps right on Jamie punching the crap out of her. Saryia tosses Jamie into the wall and I grab her by her waist. She kicks and screams until I pin her to the wall.

"What are you doing Jamie!? I thought you were my friend!!" Saryia yells at Jamie who is still picking herself off the ground. Blood pours from her lip.

"I didn't mean to, one of my experiments went wrong and it made me attack Hatspehut. Don't blame her, blame me." Saryia still doesn't believe her and grabs me and rushes us to our room. She throws me in and slams the door.

"What the hell was that back there?! I told you I wasn't going to sleep with Dawn, but you decide to go and fuck Jamie!? Are you out your damn mind?!" My wolf growls and I get in her face.

"I wasn't fucking anybody ya dumb twat! If you want the truth then look into my damn memories! If not I should go and fuck whoever I want!" Saryia's eyes turn white and in a blink of an eye her razor fangs are in my skin, draining blood. I scream out in pain as she continues to drain. All of the energy and all of the anger is overrunning my system. My wolf is howling in burning pain from all the anger.

Then Saryia retracts her fangs and I fall limp into her arms, panting heavily.

"... You were right... I'm so sorry." Saryia gently picks me up and places me on the bed. My body feels hot and cold repeatedly, then I hear the laughter of that old bag of bones Mor.

"You are so weak child. It will be easy to take over your body, my reign will last for eternity. And you will seize to exist."

"No! Fuck off!" I push her away just as she was about to touch my heart.

"Baby." Saryia coos over me, "You did good fighting her off, but you need to try harder. You've got a fever now, your not getting out of bed for a while. This is what she will do to try and posses your body. She will overrun your body with anger and energy and you won't be able to control it. I won't loose you, we won't let Mor or Aria win. I'll bring you some soup soon, keep under the covers okay." I nod weakly and she kisses my head.

"I love you." She whispers soothingly above me. I smile and kiss her hand.

"I love you too baby. I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I overreacted. Get a little sleep." She kisses my head then leaves me alone in our room. I watch tv, mostly the news. I watch the headlines on the war. Sirius has started his attack on Russia, Joan is in a stalemate in Europe, and Hung He is also in a stalemate in the middle east. At least we are holing them off with the volunteers I hope there will be more reinforcements for us. For now I have to lay here and watch this war happen, and more important I have to fix my marriage.         

Rising of The Blood Moon (GirlxGirl)(Sequel of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now